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Propane rocket nozzle material

The answer is that in order to survive and function, the rocket nozzles need to be cooled. How that's done varies with the application, but includes: Liquid Cooling Jacket: The liquid propergols and/...
DLS3141's user avatar
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4 votes

How to add radial protrusions to a disc in Autodesk Inventor

The way I would model the component shown on the LHS of your image is like this: Sketch the outer diameter of the circle on one of the home planes, say XZ, with the centre of the circle at the origin....
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
2 votes

How can I *more accurately* measure the weight of a hanging bottle?

This is not an appropriate sensor for what you are trying to do. This type of flat pressure sensor is sensitive to localised pressures. For example, from a piece of dirt or an uneven surface. You ...
atom44's user avatar
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Propane rocket nozzle material

To answer the other part of your question, the temperature is that in the chamber, but note that that figure assumes perfect combustion, which may not be the optimum point for specific impulse in your ...
Dan Mills's user avatar
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Autodesk Inventor Make Holes on Different Edges Based on One Line

It feels a little unintuitive, because the part is a square tube, but you can use the function Circular pattern. Select the holes on one plane as elements to repeat, select 4 repetitions and as ...
OpticalResonator's user avatar
2 votes

Symbol and dimension question for practice sketch

I'm answering your direct questions in this post, and will follow up with a how-to-model as a separate answer. How do I position this main plate in terms of depth from the reference plane to the near ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
2 votes

How to place a sketch plane at a specific geometric location

tl;dr - add the fillets at the end. Step 1: Revolve. This should also include the R10 'lump' on the central axis. Step 2: Define the Elipse Taper. It's stated that the thickness is 11mm and 9.5mm ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
2 votes

Are these section views correct Autodesk inventor

This is the jog that John Holtz referred to I believe. I did the following in Inventor LT. What I noticed and not sure if there is an option for this is the vertical line in the bottom plate where ...
Forward Ed's user avatar
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Autodesk inventor create rib feature failed

As explained in my answer to your previous question you just need to create a closed loop sketch on that plane and extrude it 5 mm (or 10 mm symmetrically). There's no need for use of the rib tool.
Transistor's user avatar
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How to draw hidden rib in Autodesk Inventor

It looks like the part is symmetrical about the YZ plane. Create a new sketch on the YZ plane and draw the rib. Extrude it symmetrically. You may need to work in wireframe or "show hidden edges&...
Transistor's user avatar
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How to crimp the ends of a corrugated tube into fins

The device to make this is called a sheet metal bender or brake. The last point of the star is different because it would be hard to put a radius on it. When looking at old German designs, when you ...
Tiger Guy's user avatar
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Best way to array/pattern something in a sketch so that it remains in a defined region

I wound up trying two separate arrays. I defined the start point for the second array using a 30, 60, 90 degree triangle, and made the second circle equal to the first which had a dimensionally ...
Forward Ed's user avatar
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Model partial length top side fillet

I did this with solidworks, but I used the revolved cut feature which should be available in inventor too. Basically the steps are: You make a fillet You revolve cut the end corners In your case the ...
RocketScience's user avatar
1 vote

How to add a flange to sheet metal cone (funnel) in Autodesk Inventor?

The reason for this seems to be the behavior of the top and bottom faces of the cone, they would make the ends of the flanges weird so that Inventor does not know what to do there. Creating the cone ...
OpticalResonator's user avatar
1 vote

What is causing the elliptical shape around the marked hole?

The hole is through a cylindrical surface running perpindicular to the axis of the hole. The arc diameter of the curved surface is likely to be greater than the hole diameter making the elliptical ...
Rhodie's user avatar
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What is causing the elliptical shape around the marked hole?

Very rough image: A cylinder, or hole through an object when viewed on the axis looks like a circle, or rectangle when perpendicular to the axis. But at an angle to the axis then the ends of the ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
1 vote

Loft not quite making the cut

It is possible to bend solid bodies within Inventor LT using the "Bend Part" command.
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
1 vote

Symbol and dimension question for practice sketch

I'm modelling this in SolidWorks, because it's what I have installed on this PC. Everything should be transferrable to Inventor, but ask if you have any questions. Step 1 - create the central core. N....
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
1 vote

Intersection constraints?

Ok, so I've re-installed Inventor... It's only now become apparent to me that your slot is actually a rectangle with all four corners filleted? If you instead create a 'slot' entity directly, then the ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
1 vote

Autodesk Inventor Place Component with User Parameter Length

After playing around a bit with Content Center parts in Inventor, I managed to reproduce your problem and find kind of a workaround. It is not as smooth as just typing your parameter name in the ...
OpticalResonator's user avatar
1 vote

how to create rounded edges on box using Autodesk Inventor? using overlayed plastic

You might be looking for ball+corner. (Use the image search.) Figure 1. Ball corners are commonly used on flight cases for musical instruments, band equipment and scientific or engineering equipment.
Transistor's user avatar
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(CAD) Inventor - Extrude rectangular pattern of circle sketches

Thank you for the help, actually, I was trying to extrude one of the circles and then pattern the extrusion, it didn't work because I used rectangular pattern in the tab "sketch" instead of the ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Bending a concave sheet metal lip in AutoDesk Inventor

I've had a quick go - it's hard to be more precise without measurements, and it should be stressed that the actual bent shape of the metal is very weird, and difficult to model. Hopefully this will ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
1 vote

How do you implement a pattern over a bent plate in Autodesk Inventor?

The solution to this, is simply to add the "embossed lines" before the bend. Have a look at the modelling process below: Extrude a flat plate. Because this model will be symmetrical this is only ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar

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