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4 votes

Determine surface area of arbitrary physical object

Photogrametry usually works quite well unless your object has some very complicated internal cavities. The good thing about photogrametey is that you can easily collect the data with any decent ...
joojaa's user avatar
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3 votes

Determine surface area of arbitrary physical object

May sound not very precise but i take a stab on it. Wrap your object with wet thin paper, engineering tracing paper for example(Bienfang paper), let it dry with a hair dryer, then cut it into flat ...
kamran's user avatar
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3 votes

Examples of Materials with a Coefficient of Kinetic Friction Very Close to or Equal to Coefficient of Static Friction?

Steel/Teflon - $\mu_s = \mu_k = 0.27$ Glass/Teflon - $\mu_s = \mu_k = 0.1$ Ice/Ice - $\mu_s = \mu_k = 0.01$ See table here.
r13's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to fix 'bad' surfaces in Solidworks?

Ok, looking at the "Filleted" file, it looks like you are trying to achieve the following: Yellow = 1mm Orange = 2.3mm Red = 5mm Your issue is primarily with order of operations. You need ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
2 votes

Which software to get started with 3d Modeling

This probably belongs in Software Recommendations and perhaps an agreeable moderator will make the migration. Fusion 360 is a good choice. It uses sketch modeling and also sculpting to create both ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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2 votes

Determine surface area of arbitrary physical object

If budget is not an issue, there are 3D scanners with ‎0.1 mm of resolution.
corcholatacolormarengo's user avatar
1 vote

How can I measure how perpendicular a laser is to a surface across a distance

There's some irregularities in the question that might make the answer easier or more difficult. With a non-spherical object, one can and must allow for discrepancies. Consider the following: There ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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Which software to get started with 3d Modeling

For 3d modelling there a few out there. For entry level professional 3d design and modelling, the software I am mostly familiar with are: Solidworks: Its my preferred one due to User Interface (mind ...
NMech's user avatar
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1 vote

Modelling Soil in a Scale Model

Modeling soil behavior in a scaled-down lab system requires that the force of gravity be scaled up to maintain dynamic similitude. This requires the scaled system to be spun in a centrifuge at a speed ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

After I knit the surface some blue sketch lines presist

If your gaps are larger than your knitting tolerance, then they will not automatically be closed. Pull the sliders to the minimum and maximum respectively to ensure that all gaps are shown, and either ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
1 vote

Bending a concave sheet metal lip in AutoDesk Inventor

I've had a quick go - it's hard to be more precise without measurements, and it should be stressed that the actual bent shape of the metal is very weird, and difficult to model. Hopefully this will ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar

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