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3 votes

Is there an industry consensus standard for storing sensor data?

My experience is there is no particular standards for saving sensor data. Usually one just picks a format that is useful to the task at hand. If, for instance one wants to do post processing analysis ...
Eric S's user avatar
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3 votes

Send sensor signals to WiFi network

I would keep the sensors passive as transponders to a house wide rfid radar scanner. Changes in the sensor would change the code on the rfid of the sensor, thus reflecting back a different ...
0tyranny0poverty's user avatar
2 votes

Send sensor signals to WiFi network

I think you won't get this done without some kind of processor and customized firmware to convert the sensor signal to a digital signal for WiFi transmisson. The dongle is a good idea, but it provides ...
bunto1's user avatar
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1 vote

Measuring angled surfaces with a lidar

Just use a microphone. There is a fairly loud, distinctive sound when the club hits the ball.
Elliot Alderson's user avatar
1 vote

What are the pros and cons of using Zibgee over BLE or vice versa for IOT application?

The present technology is all about IOT i. e with millions of devices connected over internet. Zigbee and BLE are two types of wireless communication which is used for interacting between two or more ...
sristi bali's user avatar
1 vote

What is this device?

It looks like the devkit associated with the NodeMCU community. If you turn it around with the metal portion facing away from you it should say something like "devkit v1.x". It's a developer board ...
budekatude's user avatar
1 vote

What is this device?

There should be writing on the top (metal) portion and/or some silk screening on the bottom. Either an ESP32 or (more likely) an ESP8266. That should give you enough info to get started...
BobT's user avatar
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1 vote

Send sensor signals to WiFi network

The cheapest option for you to consider would be to use Esp8266 modules. They technically cost 1 USD. You can import a bulk (lot) order from aliexpress to make it cheaper. For you command centre you ...
Sanketh Rajendra's user avatar

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