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27 votes

How was this toy made?

OP injection molding tag is correct. OBall uses injection molding and plastic welding. The OBall is the invention of David E. Silverglate. Toy Ball Apparatus with Reduced Part Count Reduced image ...
StainlessSteelRat's user avatar
3 votes

Improving O-Ring/flapper valve injection mold ->non-engineer

This community is not dead, but it is assuredly populated by people (like me) who make a living by being paid to solve problems exactly like yours. Now, it is common for small design and manufacturing ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
3 votes

Is this shape possible with injection moulding?

Yes it is, in fact the part in your picture was almost certainly made this way, as follows. An injection mold can be made to accept those metal pins, which are positioned in the mold so that when the ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
3 votes

Injection molding: What is best for a dual cavity single mold?

The optimal solution is usually thus: You move each of the cylindrical features into its nearest corner and mold it in flush with the side walls. You extend all eight of these bosses (that's what ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Why does the cylinder/barrel on an injection moulding machine have such thick walls?

Because injection molding pressures can get very high - typically peaks of 16 ksi , and the hoop stress in the steel is governed by the ratio of bore diameter to wall thickness. Your suggested ...
Greg Locock's user avatar
1 vote

Mechanism for turning a thumbwheel potentiometer

As you say, it's a custom thumbwheel potentiometer. Figure 1. Results from Google Image Search for thumbwheel potentiometer. Large open-frame potentiometers use to be commonly available but don't ...
Transistor's user avatar
  • 11.1k
1 vote

How was this toy made?

One way of making it is to flatten an Icosahedron on a plastic sheet As the figure and after molding while it is still malleable bend it to shape. .
kamran's user avatar
  • 22.8k

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