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14 votes

Is there any material that blocks a static magnetic field?

Yes, there are several different ways to manipulate magnetic fields. One way to shield an area from a magnetic field is to place a highly ferrous material like iron next to the source of the magnetic ...
Drew_J's user avatar
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5 votes

How is it possible electromagnets keep a heavy maglev train levitating without forcing anything metallic to be flinged away?

First off there are many different types of maglev prototypes out there each with their pros and cons. In fact some designs have the drawback of needing shielded compartments for people with ...
Drew_J's user avatar
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3 votes

Can you use an electromagnet to break the connection of a permanent magnet?

These are called electropermanent magnets. Source: The control can either come from rotating one of the magnets, or by using a control coil. If ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
3 votes

Generating practical power without an iron core, but with high RPM

the iron structure(s) inside a generator serve the purpose of minimizing flux leakage, which maximizes the utilization of the magnetic field in generating electricity. One of the ways in which they ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
3 votes

Defining camera as a passive radar

Not really. Firstly the RA in RADAR stands for RAdio which covers significantly longer wavelengths than the visible light (an in some cases near infra-red) which cameras can detect. While light ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
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3 votes

Protect equipment against electromagnetic radiation

There are 2 effects to look out for: Magnetic induction into wiring from e.g. coronal mass ejections. The electrical grid is already largely protected against these events. To protect equipment in ...
Hobbes's user avatar
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3 votes

What are possible applications for room temperature superconductor requiring extreme presssure?

Such applications would be extremely rare. Cooling with liquid nitrogen is easy and cheap, so using regular high temperature superconductors would almost always be preferred. The paper claiming +15C ...
David Bailey's user avatar
3 votes

Controlled oscillation of a piano string by electromagnetic, mechanical, or other means

What you describe has been on the market for over 40 years for electric guitar use; it is called an E-Bow. It contains a sense coil, a drive coil, a battery, and an amplifier circuit inside a case you ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
2 votes

Some questions about liquid nitrogen cooling

Regarding questions 2 and 3, I think you need to look deeper in the chemistry, reactivity, and heat transfer characteristics of Nitrogen. 1) It is not a noble gas. It is reactive, and you benefit ...
Tai Viinikka's user avatar
2 votes

Quantifying Static Electricity Hazard with High Explosives

Static electricity is a major issue when handling or dealing with explosives. When blast holes are loaded with ANFO (ammonium nitrate fuel oil) as the main explosive, and a specific density of ANFO ...
Fred's user avatar
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2 votes

Can a wireless signal of sufficiently high energy damage a wireless transceiver?

Yes, but it's unlikely. Damage from other frequencies will be limited because typical receivers have a pre-select filter after the antenna to filter out other frequencies. In band signals pass through ...
FullmetalEngineer's user avatar
2 votes

How to split mercury with a magnetic force?

It looks like it should work. It is a little more geometry specific than you are thinking, so I have modified your design below. It will require a reasonable amount of experimentation to perfect the ...
ericnutsch's user avatar
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2 votes

Magnetic treatment of hard water to prevent scale and corrosion? How does this work?

It's snake oil. From a physics standpoint, aqueous chemical reaction dynamics do not couple to magnetic fields.
niels nielsen's user avatar
2 votes

Can a Foucault's current brake be used on the rails themselves to brake trains?

Yes they can and they are in use. Details on Wiki By Sebastian Terfloth User:Sese_Ingolstadt - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 A linear eddy current brake in a German ICE 3 high-speed train in action.
Tony Stewart EE75's user avatar
2 votes

Magnetic treatment of hard water to prevent scale and corrosion? How does this work?

There's very little data available to evaluate these claims. The manufacturers tend to rely on anecdotal information and testimonials rather than hard data, and no-one else really has any incentive ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes

Building oscillating magnetic field circuit

To make sure the inductor will respond that fast, you need to solve for the size of the inductor (which will make your magnetic field) which will be resonant at 1000Hz when coupled with a capacitor of ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
2 votes

What Goes Into Making a Variable Field Magnetic Motor?

Variable Field magnetic Motor can mean different things depending on the context. What I saw in the video is completely different to what I thought when I read the title of the question. The first ...
NMech's user avatar
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2 votes

Use magnetic levitation to lift a carousel capable of turning 9000lbs

This isn't a real answer, but I feel compelled to provide it. What you are suggesting is perhaps possible, but very, very complicated. You will need to hire experts to engineer a magnetic bearing of ...
Eric S's user avatar
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2 votes

Linear solenoid mount

Figure 1. An image search for "M3 clevis male" throws up a wheelbarrow-full of images. You could use a female thread version but would need to connect the them with a male stud and maybe ...
Transistor's user avatar
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2 votes

Does an iPhone on airplane mode continue to emit electromagnetic radiation field?

All electric and electronic devices emit EM waves as a matter of course because changing current flows will produce waves like a motor, clock, or pocket calculator. But then there are also devices ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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2 votes

Recent breakthrough on Inertial Confinement Nuclear Fusion at NIF

Assuming this part of your post was correct, " has been demonstrated that it is now possible to make Nuclear Fusion generate more energy than is required for its equipment to operate", ...
eatscrayons's user avatar
2 votes

Recent breakthrough on Inertial Confinement Nuclear Fusion at NIF

Proposals for Magneto-inertial fusion do exist and research is ongoing. Lasers are good at heating and magnetic fields are good at confinement, so combining them may make it possible to pass the ...
David Bailey's user avatar
2 votes

What are the benefits of using a spring as a drive screw in this electronic deadbolt?

The reason drive screws are used is because they give mechanical advantage. Solenoids are linear devices and don't have inherent use leverage for mechanical advantage. A rotary motor with a small ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the material requirement for Van der Graff generator sphere?

You want to deposit charge inside the high voltage terminal. You'll need some mechanical strength for that and because the charge is deposited near the middle you'll need an conducting path to the ...
D Duck's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a motor design where a rotor gradually moves into a stator?

It’s a pointless design since all you do is decrease the amount of magnetic coupling between the rotor and stator. You may as well just reduce the current - it’ll have the same effect. You’d have to ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
1 vote

Magnetic treatment of hard water to prevent scale and corrosion? How does this work?

Your quote is an explanation of how scale works, not of how the 'magnetic' system works. There is a suggestion that 'magnetic' systems cause the calcite to precipitate out as sand rather than as scale ...
david's user avatar
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