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7 votes

Magnetic Entrapped Storage at 0 gravity

Flywheels are used in space, but not for storage of energy. They are used for attitude adjustment, as the spinning of a large mass has significant implications in an object which is free to move. ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
3 votes

Designing a "ratcheting" spinning wheel with ferrous metal bits

Many ordinary bolts and nuts are of magnetic steel, rather than stainless. If you have no complications with the threaded portions, you can cut away the heads to have your pins/dowels. If you require ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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3 votes

Rotating a lead screw with a moving magnet

Yes, it is POSSIBLE but it's not very practical. Take a look at how switched reluctance motors work. Essentially, torque is generated by the motion of the soft magnetic material to align itself with ...
Terry Price's user avatar
3 votes

Can you use an electromagnet to break the connection of a permanent magnet?

These are called electropermanent magnets. Source: The control can either come from rotating one of the magnets, or by using a control coil. If ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
3 votes

Can a neutrally bouyant helium balloon be suspended in air using magnet entrapment?

Could the top floating peace be place inside a helium balloon buoyantly neutral and stay entrapped in the magnetic field without having to spin? No. The system relies on the gyroscopic stabilization ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
3 votes

Generating practical power without an iron core, but with high RPM

the iron structure(s) inside a generator serve the purpose of minimizing flux leakage, which maximizes the utilization of the magnetic field in generating electricity. One of the ways in which they ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
3 votes

Can a magnetic lock be negated or overcome by a stronger electromagnet?

A lot of the responses here are very interesting but the inverse relation of magnetic fields and magnetic strength must be considered. if two attracting magnets are a certain distance apart (say 1 ...
Matthew's user avatar
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2 votes

Effect of magnetic field on electronic components

Static field effects on devices Strong static magnetic fields will have little effect on most electronics, including most of the ones on your list. We routinely placed basic electronics in 1-2T ...
Jack B's user avatar
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2 votes

How to split mercury with a magnetic force?

It looks like it should work. It is a little more geometry specific than you are thinking, so I have modified your design below. It will require a reasonable amount of experimentation to perfect the ...
ericnutsch's user avatar
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2 votes

why is the outside of an electromagnet not magnetic?

The strength of an electromagnet's field will typically be strongest on the inside of the coil (talking about a normal electromagnets). This is true for the geometry of the magnet you've shown in the ...
willpower2727's user avatar
2 votes

How do I separate these powerful magnets from their base plates?

You don't want to use heat on a neodymium magnet, as it will remove the magnetism. You are correct that adhesive is used to bond the magnets to the base. I've been successful in the same manner ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I add magnets to the mechanism of my exercise bike?

I've designed magnetic brakes like this and have had no issues with a setup similar to yours. I think the system will work even without a special arrangement of magnets. My guess as to why it's not ...
Drew's user avatar
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2 votes

Can a Foucault's current brake be used on the rails themselves to brake trains?

Yes they can and they are in use. Details on Wiki By Sebastian Terfloth User:Sese_Ingolstadt - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 A linear eddy current brake in a German ICE 3 high-speed train in action.
Tony Stewart EE75's user avatar
2 votes

Use magnetic levitation to lift a carousel capable of turning 9000lbs

This isn't a real answer, but I feel compelled to provide it. What you are suggesting is perhaps possible, but very, very complicated. You will need to hire experts to engineer a magnetic bearing of ...
Eric S's user avatar
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2 votes

What Goes Into Making a Variable Field Magnetic Motor?

Variable Field magnetic Motor can mean different things depending on the context. What I saw in the video is completely different to what I thought when I read the title of the question. The first ...
NMech's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the benefits of using a spring as a drive screw in this electronic deadbolt?

The reason drive screws are used is because they give mechanical advantage. Solenoids are linear devices and don't have inherent use leverage for mechanical advantage. A rotary motor with a small ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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2 votes

How to restore the magnetism on a fridge door joint

Most likely the door seal has gone hard, so replace the door seal - more flexible with a new magnet as a bonus.
Solar Mike's user avatar
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2 votes

Arrangement of magnets to get high magnetic field at centre of circle

Looks, like you want magnetic field which points away from a certain area and is strongest in the middle of that area. If we think the magnetic field lines as water flow trajectories there should be a ...
user50879's user avatar
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1 vote

Looking for a compression spring alternative with 10x lifespan

Compressed air like an air suspension in a car or truck. 100K is not many cycles for a steel spring; springs such as engine valves run many ,many millions of cycles ,normally without failure.
blacksmith37's user avatar
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Can you make the magnets rotate inside the coils of Brushless motor?

One reason you might not be able to envision why it doesn't work is because it does. There are compromises with respect to torque and motor size, but what you're describing is called an inrunner motor....
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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Cheap / Easy source of small amount of ferromagnetic metal

A steel washer would work well. Find one about 1" in diameter and that should be sufficient. If you have a file or sanding tool then round the edges off. Make sure the surfaces you are gluing are "...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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Demagnetize neodymium permanent magnets at < 60 degrees C

According to a very comprehensive presentation from KJ Magnetics, it is likely that you will not be able to accomplish your objective. The graphs and text indicate that you will have to know the ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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1 vote

How to design a magnet to handle a known force?

Experiment is your best bet. Start with the least-expensive magnet material (barium ferrite) in a variety of sizes, using data from the magnet manufacturer. Increase the size of the magnet if it is ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

How to design a magnet to handle a known force?

Well theoretically you will need the force that the magnet applies to the object you will like to hang. If i understand you correctly the object will be "sheared" off the magnet due to ...
Lorenzo von Matterhorn's user avatar
1 vote

How to design a magnet to handle a known force?

This will be very difficult to calculate analytically. Your best bet will be to simply experiment, or use the rule of thumb specs that the magnet manufacturer provides. Usually this comes in the form ...
Drew's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I add magnets to the mechanism of my exercise bike?

if you fix/glue the magnets to the flywheel spaced equally apart and have a coil of wire wound around an iron core close to it you have in effect a generator. Short circuiting the ends of the 2 coil ...
user20697's user avatar
1 vote

Can magnetic stripes be read wirelessly with lasers or other technologies?

Reading a magnetic field with a laser or other light source will be "difficult" because light is not charged and it does not have its own magnetic field.... except it is electromagnetic radiation. I ...
user1683793's user avatar
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Is martensitic steel 455 magnetic?

This is a precipitation hardening martensitic so will be ferromagnetic unless it has been mistreated. To anneal, it is quenched from high temperature and makes a soft martensite = ferromagnetic. It is ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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Is martensitic steel 455 magnetic?

Yes. Any type of martensitic steel will be ferro magnetic. However the magnetic susceptibility may not be the same as that of a material like iron. This could make a sample look like it is not ...
Drew_J's user avatar
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