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Effect of magnetic field on electronic components

Static field effects on devices Strong static magnetic fields will have little effect on most electronics, including most of the ones on your list. We routinely placed basic electronics in 1-2T ...
Jack B's user avatar
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Can a wireless signal of sufficiently high energy damage a wireless transceiver?

Yes, but it's unlikely. Damage from other frequencies will be limited because typical receivers have a pre-select filter after the antenna to filter out other frequencies. In band signals pass through ...
FullmetalEngineer's user avatar
2 votes

Can Schotkky diodes rectify signals of GHz frequency?

Ultra low capacitance diodes <1pF are capable of operating at GHz frequencies. They are low loss Schottky types. BAS69xxx from STMicro is one example.
Donald Gibson's user avatar
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A naïve question about computer chips

No, they are securely fixed (soldered) to the circuit boards. If you think you have heard the term "float" with reference to a chip, then you are probably hearing about "floating point arithmetic" ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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Can a signal below -176 dbm be decoded?

No, not irrespective of modulation type. If you know that you need to deal with signals like that, you pick a modulation scheme that provides "gain" in the demodulation process. For example, GPS uses ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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A 40MHz oscillator in usb wifi adapter

Generally when you need to scale up a clock you use a PLL (Phase lock loop). A very crude explanation is that you have a voltage controlled oscillator at roughly the required frequency. You divide ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to calculate permittivity for higher frequencies?

There are a lot of methods for determining permittivities at high frequency, but they are uniformly experimentally-based. One of the easy methods is a resonant cavity. You create a resonant cavity ...
phyllis diller's user avatar
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Methods of finding the angle to an object

You can use trilateration where the object is a transmitter that transmits an RF signal and ultrasonic pulse simultaneously and three receivers of known location measure the difference in time of ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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Electrical Engineering/Telecommunications/Power Amplifiers VSWR and harmonics

If VSWR = 1, then voltage on the output amplifier is the "lowest" and RF matching is ok (RF amplifiers are designed delivering "always" maximum power on load). If VSWR gets higher, ...
Antonio51's user avatar
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Can a piece of conductor be made invisible to radar by overdamping?

this can be done my matching the electromagnetic impedance of the material to that of free air. By using dissipative elements (ohmic resistance) in the material to match impedances, the radar waves ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
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T/R switch IC - HMC784AMS8GE IC does not work properly

Per the datasheet "RF1 and RF2 are reflective shorts when “OFF”". For best results consider the following configuration. Also per the datasheet below is the suggested interface for logic ...
Mahendra Gunawardena's user avatar
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Electronic component datasheet handling

They are the extremes of the voltage at the input which define the required 0 and 1 logic levels. On the data sheet Logic 1 must be at least 2.0v and logic 0 less than 0.8 to function properly.
David's user avatar
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Electronic component datasheet handling

You are correct. In the attached document shows minimum 2.0V and above is considered Logic High. Likewise maximum voltage of 0.8V and below is considered logic low.
Mahendra Gunawardena's user avatar
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Why is the tv playing if the carrier frequencies in our RF project appear unsupported?

The old analog signal TVs had a wide frequency range allocated to each channel. Channel 2 for instance occupied everything between 54 MHz and 60 MHz. Because of effects of temperature and other ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
1 vote

Pathway for drone racing

you can use plastic light gauge garden netting. They come in typical sizes of 50ft by 50ft at approximately under 10cents/sqft. They can be secured by thin cords to stakes or anchors.
kamran's user avatar
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Why channel 1, 6 and 11 are best for Wifi communication 802.11n?

All channels good but: National standards can control some parameters (gain, numbers of channels, gain in channel ...). Gain of Channel 1 can be less in some cases. I have 19 visible ssids in my ...
dash1121's user avatar
1 vote

Should we use ELF or ULF for very deep metal detection and which specific frequency?

ELF will likely be very problematic for you practically; remember that your antenna will have to be on the order of a wavelength to transmit or receive such a signal. Even for a 1/4 wavelength antenna,...
phyllis diller's user avatar
1 vote

Two GPS receivers on one antenna?

Even when connected to the same antenna, two identical receivers might come up with different navigation solutions. Their analog front ends have different sensitivity and noise figures as a result of ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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Are there diodes which can switch at multiple GHz speed?

Ultra low capacitance diodes <1pF are capable of operating at GHz frequencies. They are low loss Schottky types. BAS69xxx from STMicro is one example.
Donald Gibson's user avatar
1 vote

Are there diodes which can switch at multiple GHz speed?

I think you're looking for Schottky diodes.
Andrew Vanderschaaf's user avatar
1 vote

Building RF power meter

The basic approach is correct, but it won't be as easy as just slapping a diode there, for several reasons: If you are receiving the signal with an antenna, the power level will be very small. A ...
jpa's user avatar
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