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18 votes

How can I calculate the power and torque required for the motor on a wheeled robot/vehicle?

I laid everything out so you should only need to read it from top to bottom and look backwards for variables, never forward. I also tried to lay it out so hopefully you know where everything is coming ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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9 votes

How to fix this gear

Oddly enough, this problem can be fixed using a set of car keys and your wallet. Here are the steps to follow: 1) put the keys in the ignition of your car, start it, and drive to the motorcycle ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
9 votes

Does a motor suffer damage when resistance to the intended motion is met?

The answer depends on the specific type of motor you intend to use, but in general: when a motor is loaded down, it draws more current, which means its windings get hotter at the same time that the ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
7 votes

Meaning of O-slash in data sheet about gear diameter?

In the lower right corner of the document/drawing, you can see four (or five) lines of text upward: UNIT: mm Another piece of useful information in the data panel is the scale, shown there as 3:1. ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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7 votes

Building an ultralight electric hoist, what gearbox reduction / motor combination for torque / power requirements?

Relatively low lifting requirements (100 kg) Relatively fast lifting speed (80 fpm -> .4 m/s) The first part of your power calculation was wrong. There's no need to go into pulley diameters at ...
Neil_UK's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I start looking for a cheap encoder?

In the past whenever I needed a rotary encoder, I took apart a computer mouse. I do not know if they will meet your requirements, but there's nothing cheaper.
niels nielsen's user avatar
6 votes

How does a windshield wiper work?

For having dismantled a wiper motor once, The basic principle is exactly as shown on the video, but the wiper is then linked to the to the rotation point of the rocking bar and not to the bar itself. ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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6 votes

Why do the lights dim when I turn on a mitre saw?

The wires in your home have resistance. Current going through those wires causes a voltage drop. The startup (inrush) current of electric motors can be several times their normal operating current. It'...
BillDOe's user avatar
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6 votes

Working out Motor torque

The biggest unknown you need to determine or guess is the coefficient of rolling friction. For reference, a coefficient for rolling friction of 0.3 is already very high and is for something like for ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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6 votes

Does a motor suffer damage when resistance to the intended motion is met?

It depends on the specific type of motor, as @nielsnelson mentions, but it also depends on what you use to drive the motor. In general, a motor that's designed to run continuously isn't going to take ...
TimWescott's user avatar
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6 votes

Ways to brake an axle

In the wire & cable business, the device you describe is called a dancer, for the way its components move about while regulating the tension in a rope or wire being unspooled from a large coil. ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
5 votes

What would be needed to make a tesla fastest car in the world?

Maximum speed in a straight line is largely determined by the vehicles maximum power output compared to its drag although once you get past about 200 mph dynamic stability can start to become a ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
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5 votes

What is this contraption?

It looks like it might be a air-powered propeller. You pump up the bottle with air, and the high pressure is used to run a air motor that spins the propeller. This might have been part of a toy ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
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5 votes

Contrradicting answers for relation of speed of a motor with current

For a DC motor, speed of the armature is inversely proportional to current. But at the same time, we know that torque of the armature is directly proportional to the armature current. Since speed can ...
Brad's user avatar
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5 votes

Electric go kart

This cannot be answered as is because almost all the critical information is missing. Mechanical Power required to move to the go kart is determined by the force and speed required Motor Power can ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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5 votes

Lifting a cabinet using actuators or scissor lift

In a scissors jack design, items one and three, you'll have the least mechanical advantage when the assembly is retracted. Using drawer slides or the equivalent is a good idea, but will not provide ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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5 votes

What do I need to operate this motor?

I recommend researching motor driver circuits. These motor drivers internal has a H-Bridge design and have both direct on of digital signal to manage both direction (forward, backwards) and stop. You ...
Mahendra Gunawardena's user avatar
5 votes

Two 3/4HP / 500W motors to run in opposite directions, at precisely the same RPM, controllable from zero to 5000 RPM?

Connect them with gears and they will run at the same speed - any sensor / control will have an accuracy range
Solar Mike's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a difference between a "brushless motor" and a "motor without brushes"?

I suspect this is just a Brushless DC Electric motor What Dyson seems best at is marketing their tech and branding it to sound exciting.
Tiger Guy's user avatar
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5 votes

Inverting motor polarities automatically to close and open a door

If I am not mistaken, you can use an H-Bridge for that. If you are using an arduino for example, there are a few motor drivers like L298N which do exactly that job (control the direction and speed of ...
NMech's user avatar
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5 votes

Why aren't pneumatic/hydraulic artificial muscle actuated humanoid robots more common?

As cool as they seem, fluidic muscles like these are, unfortunately, not on track to be viable for mobile robotics for the foreseeable future. There are 3 primary issues: Controls. It's somewhat easy ...
Tyler Habowski's user avatar
4 votes

Motor for Toy Cars

It means that if you were to apply 12V to the motor terminals, and the motor was not attached to the car in any way (i.e. no resistance to the shaft turning at all), then it would spin at ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
4 votes

Clockwork Motor feasibility?

The fundamental issue is energy density. A spring simply doesn't store that much energy per unit mass and is ultimately limited by the yield stress of the material. Where springs are good is in ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
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4 votes

What is a 10 turn potentiometer

it's not unusual to find a single turn potentiomenter (aka pot) that provides a change in resistance over the range of the turning component. The benefit of a single turn pot is that you can get a ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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4 votes

How to connect a motor with a 4mm shaft to a propeller that takes 1/2 inch shaft?

If the motor speed matches the speed range needed for the prop, then make an adapter with relevant locking screws or equivalent, balanced as necessary. something like : Source https://shaft-collars-...
Solar Mike's user avatar
4 votes

How to connect a motor with a 4mm shaft to a propeller that takes 1/2 inch shaft?

Following on from Solar Mike's answer, I'm not sure you'll be able to find something off-the-shelf with the diameters you have (mix of imperial and metric units), so you may need to get something ...
am304's user avatar
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4 votes

AC Motor On/OFF Control using SSR instead of contactor

Yes, but... There's not great data available on the Fokotek products, but in general switching HP sized motor loads with solid state relays is a fairly expensive proposition. Because the voltage and ...
Ethan48's user avatar
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4 votes

Stepper motor speed control problem

Although the advertised advantage of a stepper is that it can be driven "open loop" (no position or velocity feedback required for accuracy, instead you just keep count of the steps) this is only true ...
niels nielsen's user avatar

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