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3 votes

Which device should I use to send data to 2 different PCs?

There are three ways you could solve this: A keyboard multicaster. This is potentially an off the shelf solution, but its pricey and would require some testing to determine if it will work with your ...
ericnutsch's user avatar
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why can't remove the Image frequency using a band-pass filter?

You only know something is an "image frequency" because you know what the signal was like before you sampled it and reduced its bandwidth. Do an experiment, either with real hardware or a computer ...
alephzero's user avatar
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1 vote

Configuring UART Port to 115200 on Renesas RX130 using Code Generator

Try typing 115200 for bit rate. I think the drop down accepts edited values. The internal software will configure the registers appropriately.
Mahendra Gunawardena's user avatar

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