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6 votes

Is copper wool (rather than traditional brass wool) good for cleaning heavy black oxidation off soldering tip?

Zinc, which forms a non-reactive surface on brass, is almost insoluble in solder. Copper is soluble in solder, and forms inter-metallics in solder. It's also softer and weaker than brass, which makes ...
david's user avatar
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4 votes

Is copper wool (rather than traditional brass wool) good for cleaning heavy black oxidation off soldering tip?

Is this for saving a tip? Or for regular use? In either case, you shouldn't ever need to abrade oxidation away. For regular use you just tin the tip and dip the heated tip into a pile of brass wool ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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2 votes

Longer lasting soldering tips

Copper soldering iron tips are plated with iron, which cannot be etched by the rosins used in solder. This coating will last a long time in a professional-grade soldering iron unless you use an ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Is copper wool (rather than traditional brass wool) good for cleaning heavy black oxidation off soldering tip?

high-quality soldering iron tips are plated with iron, not chrome. Chrome is not wetted by solder. Iron is well-wetted by liquid solder and impervious to corrosion from the fluxes used in solder. ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

How to solder the stainless steel rods

solder generally will not work on stainless steel (it can't stick because of the oxide that forms on the surface of the steel). You can weld it instead, using welding wire or rod specifically ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Soldering in vice - Avoiding Heat Sink

I'll throw this in there because there are already a few answers. If you don't need extreme precision you could use some nice hardwood pieces as insulators. Wood has good insulating properties, and ...
Drew's user avatar
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Soldering in vice - Avoiding Heat Sink

Arranging pre-heat is almost a must. I have done similar, where I have even used two torches to achieve the result needed. So, either a second torch (my preference) or a bigger torch (easy to overheat)...
Solar Mike's user avatar

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