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Filling gaps in heatsink design to improve thermal conductance?

Your are correct that the smallest surface area will be a limit on the thermal conductivity. Before we dive into that lets look at the over all approach and some other limits. Are your temperatures ...
ericnutsch's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I weld a copper pipe into a CPU heat sink for better cooling?

I think, it is necessary to find a cause of overheat. This may be due to bad thermal contact somewhere: between integrated circuit and metal pad through thermal paste or pad between metal pad and ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Most efficient orientation of exhaust vents on top plate of chassis for air flow with regard to heatsink fins?

In general, either grating configuration should permit flow equally as well provided the slot diameters are the same, and the ratio of open area is the same. By fins in the acrylic, I assume you mean ...
ericnutsch's user avatar
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Soldering in vice - Avoiding Heat Sink

I'll throw this in there because there are already a few answers. If you don't need extreme precision you could use some nice hardwood pieces as insulators. Wood has good insulating properties, and ...
Drew's user avatar
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Soldering in vice - Avoiding Heat Sink

Arranging pre-heat is almost a must. I have done similar, where I have even used two torches to achieve the result needed. So, either a second torch (my preference) or a bigger torch (easy to overheat)...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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Can I weld a copper pipe into a CPU heat sink for better cooling?

If the existing heatsink is made of copper, then yes you can solder more copper onto it and it will probably dissipate more heat. You can probably weld copper, but it's not commonly done. If the ...
Drew's user avatar
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Is a block designed for water cooling effective at dry transmission of heat?

Will it work at all? Yes Will it work as good as a solid chunk of aluminium? No Expect the performance to be about one-fourth as effective as a solid chunk of aluminium. Why? Because this thing has ...
Surprised Seagull's user avatar
1 vote

Heat transfer Calculation, for Cooling for an aluminium box

1. Heat generated inside the controller $\dot{Q}_{in}$ The heat that you need to take out of the controller box is basically the generated heat from the electronics. You state its: $10.66W$ (which is ...
NMech's user avatar
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