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5 votes

Why is the carrier block in a winchester rifle made of brass?

Brass is a natural choice for accomodating sliding or rotating contact with steel surfaces. This is because oxide grit or metal particles which would cause galling get embedded into the (softer) brass ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Stress relieving copper at 200°C for 2 hours

By holding the copper at elevated temperature for a while, you are doing what is called annealing. The inner structure of metals consists of individual crystalline areas called grains. As you work ...
user1683793's user avatar
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Soldering in vice - Avoiding Heat Sink

I'll throw this in there because there are already a few answers. If you don't need extreme precision you could use some nice hardwood pieces as insulators. Wood has good insulating properties, and ...
Drew's user avatar
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1 vote

Soldering in vice - Avoiding Heat Sink

Arranging pre-heat is almost a must. I have done similar, where I have even used two torches to achieve the result needed. So, either a second torch (my preference) or a bigger torch (easy to overheat)...
Solar Mike's user avatar
1 vote

Production methods for AC mains power plug pins?

The AC power plugs vary a lot country to country. You will need to know how you plan to attach the pins to your circuit; ex wire solder cup, wire crimp, pcb surface mount solder, or pcb through hole ...
ericnutsch's user avatar
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