I have a system that can be modeled with the following picture:
There is a mass $m$ connected to a spring $k$ and a dashpot $d$. These are both connected to another dashpot $c$. A force $F(t)$ is applied at the junction.
After some effort tackling a system of linear ODEs, I've found a transfer function that describes this system:
$$\frac{X(s)}{F(s)} = \frac{ds + k}{(mc + md)s^3 + (mk + cd)s^2 + (ck)s}$$
I'm almost certain this is correct considering I've checked over the math multiple times (and the units check out, which is always a plus).
The system has certain parameters: $m = 1$, $Q = 20$, $\omega = 50$ Hz.
From this we can calculate the following parameters: $k = m(2\pi\omega) = 98696$ N/m, $d = \frac{sqrt(mk)}{Q} = 15.7$ Ns/m.
I estimate $c = 4$ Ns/m.
Given these parameters, I expect the following:
- Impulse response that asymptotically approaches a value.
- Step response that grows without bound.
- Bode plot that has a peak at around 50 Hz.
The first two are true, but this is what my Bode plot actually looks like:
The reason I expect a peak at 50 Hz is because when $F(t)$ has a frequency near $\omega$, the amplitude of motion of the mass should rapidly increase.
Is there something that I'm modeling incorrectly here? Or is there some major misconception about how I think this system operates?