I was performing a simple static structural analysis using Ansys to check the stress value for different materials. I have kept the below parameters constant:
- Geometry
- Force (in N)
- Area on which the force is applied
I changed the materials from copper through PVC. However, the value of stress didn't changed. From what I have inferred about stress is: The stress remains constant in elastic regime, and once the material enters plastic regime, the value of stress changes. However, in Ansys (or any other Multiphysics software employing FEA, like Pro Mechanica of PTC Creo) the stress value is fairly constant, irrespective of materials. I am confused, for why this happens. Please see below stress values for Structural Steel, Aluminum & PVC respectively.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
P.S. I have checked this question (Stress analysis for the same configuration but different material) as well, but this doesn't answers my questions