I'm assuming you want to display these things in the part editor?
If you make sketches (2D or 3D) with these lines, arcs and points, you can just leave them in your part and they'll be displayed while you work.
One caveat, there will be no labels. I have solidworks 2016, and maybe it's better in the future versions, but I find that adding annotations inside sketches does not work well. I wouldn't bother.
If I really needed a label I might insert some text in the sketch (as you would do for engraving), not elegant but it might work ok.
As far as I know you can't dimension to the center of mass, but you can show the coordinates, or a crude and simple way to locate relative to your part would be to zoom way in and place a point on it.
The editor isn't really designed to create illustrations, so although I think you'll be able to come up with something workable, I likely will not be "beautiful" without some post processing in GIMP or similar.
Crude example:
If I wanted this to look nicer I would draw the arrows on the ends of the lines by hand, and add labels. That should look decent.