EDIT: added a picture of a very similar unit.
I picked up a used VW rear? wiper motor that I want to use for a simple motion experiment.
Having no idea how to power the thing I popped open the case and looked inside.
Not really wanting to break it (and not being extremely motor savvy) I am asking if my assumptions are correct.
A) The large ground looking plane on the left side of the board is likely ground B) The voltage is likely 12V or less. Some of these components look a bit tiny for 12v though?
This is just an exercise in guesswork that may or may not fit into the meta of this beta site but it seemed a good place to ask sensible questions about the circuit.
I did try to find the docs for the part but had no joy. Appreciate any help. I have a limited current power source that I can test out any guesses with. Thanks.
I am also assuming that the various connections could be i) common ground ii) slow speed iii) fast speed iiii) common +ve
I have no idea if that is correct of the likely order based on the diagram. would also appreciate any insight on those assumptions.
Noting the possible current limiting resistors on two of the channels might this indicate they are the loom switching pins? The center ones?