I am doing research on biomedical device development, and focusing on devices that work on grasping tissues in the abdominal area. I need some help with applying the concepts of material strength to human tissues.
In simple language, let's assume that the stiffness constant (or the spring constant, K) of a given tissue is known, and we assume that it is a constant and hence the compression of the tissue is linearly proportional to the compressive force applied on it.
Given that we know K, is there a way to figure out the upper limit of the Force or the upper limit of the compression I can allow, before the tissue gets damaged? i.e. can we estimate the compressive yield strength of the tissue given that we know its K?
Another small confusion: If we are talking about the point at which tissue damages, is that the point of yield strength or ultimate strength?
I'm familiar with basic solid mechanics and strength of materials on a very beginner level and I'm getting stuck in applying those concepts in the context of biomechanics. Any help in this direction would be really helpful.
PS: This is not Homework help, I work as an RA and I'm stuck at this issue in my research :)