I am designing a two dimensional cam profiles. I want to use the "modified sine" method for drawing the position and angle changes. (see attached sketch). The modified sine curve is actually a combination of cycloidal curve at the first and last 1/8 of the curve and a sine curve in the middle 7/8 of the curve. It is easily employed when the terminal velocities are zero. However, often times it is necessary for a cam profile to simply go from one velocity (perhaps zero) to a constant terminal velocity. The terminal velocity is simply an angle on the displacement diagram.
The profile is defined by:
$$ y= \begin{cases} \frac h{4+\pi}\left(\pi\frac\theta\beta-\frac14 \sin \left(4 \pi \frac\theta\beta \right) \right), & 0\lt\theta\lt\frac18\beta \\[2ex] \frac h{4+\pi}\left(2+\pi\frac\theta\beta-\frac94 \sin \left(4\pi\frac\theta{3\beta}+\frac\pi3 \right) \right), & \frac18\beta\lt\theta\lt\frac78\beta \\[2ex] \frac h{4+\pi} \left(4+\pi\frac\theta\beta-\frac14 \sin \left(4\pi\frac\theta\beta \right) \right), & \frac78\beta\lt\theta\lt\beta \end{cases}$$
The maximum velocity which can be achieved is at $45\deg \left( \frac\pi4 \right)$ therefore, only the first half of the curve is usable for my need.
as an example,
what method would you employ to design a curve that would go from point $(0,0)$ at angle zero, to the point $(3,2)$ slope $30$ degrees.
What coefficients $h$ and $\beta$ in the above equations will create a curve such that the slope at point $(3,2)$ is equal to $\frac{30}{180}\pi$?