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What kind of splines should be used when planning roads?

Roads are usually designed using catenary curves. Road curves are designed around vehicle velocities and they are not uniform. As ...
Rhodie's user avatar
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5 votes

What kind of splines should be used when planning roads?

Circular arcs are not used except in special situations, because the sudden change in curvature from a straight road to a circular arc would mean drivers had to quickly turn the steering wheel to the ...
alephzero's user avatar
  • 12.6k
3 votes

What is the starting/stopping sequence of a traffic light

What country? This is different between different countries. I can give the sequence in Poland, which is standard in most of EU. 180 seconds of Blinking Yellow. (Groups [**] with Yellow blink ...
SF.'s user avatar
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2 votes

What's the purpose of a 'burger' lane in a roundabout?

Another purpose of such a lane is to allow for vehicles that cannot navigate the roundabout to travel through. For example a tram's turning radius may not allow them to drive around the roundabout so ...
ratchet freak's user avatar
1 vote

"Burger" lanes: What are they, where are they found, and what do they look like?

if your question is how they look like then: figure: source hulldailymail or figure: source openstreet wiki They are also known as "through roundabouts" As to their name I suppose that ...
NMech's user avatar
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What kind of splines should be used when planning roads?

Clothoid? I recall hearing that some roadway curves are designed using the Clothoid Spiral AKA the Spiral of Cornu AKA in which the (radius of) curvature ...
Catalyst's user avatar
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What is the starting/stopping sequence of a traffic light

There is another state the lights can be in: blinking yellow. Which means that the intersection is not being controlled and normal priority rules are in force. Going from off to all blinking does not ...
ratchet freak's user avatar
1 vote

How can traffic signal controllers handle multiple conflicting preemption requests of equal priority without dropping one?

As you might well imagine, there is a metric f-ton (the technical term :-) ) of research covering both queuing theory and prioritization analysis. The correct, if unsatisfying answer to your ...
Carl Witthoft's user avatar

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