What are the pros and cons of a traffic circle versus a traffic light intersection?
People using the road make mistakes (like running stop signs and red lights), always have and always will. Crashes will always be with us, but they need not result in fatalities or serious injury.
How can a sensor detect the traffic lights?
This will be done with a video camera. Writing software to process images is easier than it used to be. People are writing software on Raspberry pi (and I think, impressively, even Arduino) that do ...
What is the starting/stopping sequence of a traffic light
What country? This is different between different countries.
I can give the sequence in Poland, which is standard in most of EU.
180 seconds of Blinking Yellow. (Groups [**] with Yellow blink ...
What are the pros and cons of a traffic circle versus a traffic light intersection?
In any design regarding public traffic your biggest problem is going to be managing the human factors of competence, confidence and error. The entire purpose of traffic management is to control human ...
What are the pros and cons of a traffic circle versus a traffic light intersection?
Something that I didn't see mentioned here is a HUGE saving in wasted fuel, burnt by cars and truck sitting at a traditional intersection, waiting for a light to change. To me, this is the best ...
What are the pros and cons of a traffic circle versus a traffic light intersection?
Roundabouts let traffic flow more smoothly and there is also less reliance on technology that can malfunction due to a series of factors (i.e. power outage, etc).
How do "Your Speed" Signs work, and how do vehicles know when it's the sign's turn to display their speed?
These are almost certainly Doppler systems (addressing some comments). The transmitted beam, be it radar or lidar, is focussed and aimed to cover the approaching lane at a decent distance. If it's ...
What color do green traffic lights have?
I am red-green color blind. I researched and blogged about this years ago. Since then, the primary sources have disappeared off the internet, except for the official CIE standard, which is expensive. ...
Where to acquire / create LED optics
Alibaba is the best place to begin sourcing parts. If your quantity is high enough many of the manufacturers can also customize.
Here are a few of the many Alibaba manufacturers:
PMMA (acrylic) lenses
What is the starting/stopping sequence of a traffic light
There is another state the lights can be in: blinking yellow. Which means that the intersection is not being controlled and normal priority rules are in force. Going from off to all blinking does not ...
How can traffic signal controllers handle multiple conflicting preemption requests of equal priority without dropping one?
As you might well imagine, there is a metric f-ton (the technical term :-) ) of research covering both queuing theory and prioritization analysis.
The correct, if unsatisfying answer to your ...
How can a sensor detect the traffic lights?
The state of any traffic lights is just one of the many elements that are extracted from the scene in front of the vehicle using video cameras and machine vision.
Software identifies objects such as ...
What are the pros and cons of a traffic circle versus a traffic light intersection?
There is really no argument against the traffic circle. They use less space (contrary to what some have said here). They reduce accidents, injuries, and fatalities substantially. They improve traffic ...
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