Consider the system with unitary negative feedback such that the open loop transfer function is $$G(s) = \frac{as + 1}{s^2}$$
a) Determine the value of $a$ such that the phase margin is 45º
b) Determine the stationary state error for the unitary ramp input
c) For $a > 0$, what is the gain margin
My attempt: My doubt is about the item (c). That what I've made:
$GM = \frac{1}{|G(j\omega)|}$ for $\omega$ such that $\text{phase}(G(j\omega)) = -180º$. In this case $$\text{phase}(G(j\omega)) = -180º \iff \text{arctan}(a \omega) - 180º = -180º \iff \text{arctan}(a \omega) = 0 \iff \omega = 0$$
But for $\omega \to 0$, $|G(j\omega)| \to \infty \Rightarrow GM \rightarrow 0$
Is that correct?