I am still pretty new to control theory, but I have been studying both classical and modern state space/optimal control ideas. I am having trouble understanding what the frequency domain/transfer function view is on some of the challenges of optimal control, for example the inverted pendulum swing-up problem.
Problem definition:
So in optimal control I may have an inverted pendulum system where the pendulum is currently facing down--at a stable fixed point. The objective is to move the pendulum from the stable fixed point to the unstable fixed point where the pendulum is pointing straight up. Now I have some actuation on the pendulum, but there are some torque limits.
Trajectory Optimization:
There are a few ways to solve this inverted pendulum problem. One way is "trajectory optimization" which uses convex optimization ideas to find the control policy to drive the pendulum to the top location, meaning the unstable fixed point. I might also be able to use something like fitted value iteration to find a swing-up policy, but generally the fitted value iteration solution is not very robust.
So I can understand why the "swing-up" problem seems difficult in optimal control, but I don't have a clear sense of how to formulate this same problems as a transfer function or in the frequency domain? I mean I could compute the transfer function for the pendulum equation. However, I am not sure if a PID controller could find a suitable control law to bring the pendulum to the top? Of course, as the pendulum approaches the linear region of the unstable fixed point at the top, I could linearize and use LQR control to stabilize the dynamics. But I am still not clear how this swing-up problem is modeled in the classical control sense.