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4 votes

What is the frequncy range of seismic vibrations?

The frequency and ground acceleration and other pertinent data are recorded in a seismic design espectra which is unique for each site and varies with the type of the soil on the side. Usually ...
kamran's user avatar
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3 votes

Would a larger building more safely or smoothly ride the seismic waves of an earthquake?

Earthquake waves are very long. For example in California, the frequency of the 1996 Northridge earthquake was 0.5Hertz. This shock could cross the diameter of the earth in half an hour (Not correct! ...
kamran's user avatar
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2 votes

Would a larger building more safely or smoothly ride the seismic waves of an earthquake?

If a large ship is hit side on by a huge it can roll over. Ships have better success at surviving large waves by sailing into large waves. Size of buildings is one factor. How it is built is another ...
Fred's user avatar
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Seismic question

The one with the higher mass on level three is worse. Assuming the building as an SDF vibration for simplicity: The period of the building will moderately increase due to the reduction of K, $$K=P/\...
kamran's user avatar
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2 votes

Generating a Blank Seismic Tripartite Graph

This is the only place on the internet that I could find that actually gave decent resolution images for tripartite plotting paper. However, it had some limits that affected use in our area: 1) the ...
CatCube's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is it useful to scale seismic ground motion data

A ground motion record (accelerogram) is a measurement with high specificity to the fault that caused the earthquake. The recorded peak acceleration, frequencies, duration etc depend on the fault ...
minas lemonis's user avatar
1 vote

Wind load vs Earthquake load and R factor

Increasing the R factor decreases the load that the building has to resist during an earthquake. Any easy example of this is a wood building. The cheapest choice for wood shear wall sheathing would ...
represton's user avatar
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Slab Stiffness Modifiers applied in Vertical Elements design but not in Slab design?

If you read the commentary of the ACI code you you will understand that stiffness modifiers take into account the cracked section properties expected from cyclical loading. Slabs / diaphragms are a ...
ShadowMan's user avatar
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How to distribute moment from Lateral Load Method (Static Analysis IBC for example) to Each shear wall individually?

Your question seems like it is incomplete so it's difficult to provide a complete answer. For the moment computation, what you'll need to do is compute the centroid of rotational stiffness, which is ...
Rick's user avatar
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How to handle modal combination in response spectrum analysis for member forces for member with more than 1 element?

You are correct that the response for each mode must be calculated before applying some modal combination methodology. Instead of thinking about the structure as being discretized into numerous ...
CableStay's user avatar
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