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Questions tagged [reflective-coatings]

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What is the "damage threshold" for concentrated sunlight upon a mirror?

I am trying to determine the maximum $Watts/cm^2$ of concentrated sunlight -not lasers or laser pulses- that polished mirrors of various kinds can handle, -Aluminum vs Silver, say. What equations are ...
GhostsonAcid's user avatar
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Combining reflective insulation and conventional (cellulose-based) insulation

I'm working with an architect to insulate an apartment (most of a small house) from the 1930s, with limited space. She has hit upon what seems like a good solution for the north-facing courtyard side -...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

interior-mounted adhesive window films that reflect solar heat

Does a solar-heat-reflective film when adhered to the interior of a double-pane gas-filled skylight raise the temperature of the glass and, if so, does it increase it to such an extent that the glass ...
Tim's user avatar
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