I am trying to design a digital control system of which output depends on the difference between 1 input signal 1 tick ago and the output 1 tick ago ,and 1 another input signal.
The output $y(n)$ = input $i(n)$ $\cdot$ $b(n)$ and $b(n)$ = input $d(n-1)$ $-$ $y(n-1)$ Here is what I have come up with so far:
I have made the time delay part.The inverse Z transform of $z^{-1}$ is $\delta(n-1)$ so I have created the time delay in both $D(s)$ and the feedback loop.However I need to somehow put I(s) in the overall system so that it does what I want but so far I have been unsuccesfull on doing so.How should I keep on?
Here is what I have come up with:
Note:I have added a steady signal to the summer