New homes are inspected by local authorities to comply with local building requlations. As Mike says, give them a call.
The National Electrical Code (NEC) are standardized guidelines for electrical construction created by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The NEC are guidelines, not laws. The NEC is adopted into law by states and local jurisdictions.
Different states adopt different versions of NEC guidelines as shown by NFPA NEC Enforcement.
The 2017 NEC is the base model code for the 2019 California Electrical Code (CEC) of the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC). CBSC adopt statewide ammendments to deal with statewide issues with the NEC.
California Building Standards Commission - Information Bulletin 20-01
Local authorities adopt statewise references with local ammendments to deal with local issues.
From San Jose, California - Code of Ordinances Title 24 - Technical Codes
24.01.233 - Electrical code.
"Electrical code" means the California Electric Code or CEC, 2019 edition, based on 2017 National Electric Code promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association, as amended and set forth in the California Building Standards Code,
24.06.100 - Adoption of technical provisions of CEC.
24.06.110 - Portions of CEC which are not approved, adopted or incorporated by reference.
This is a top-down, bottom-up approach. Standards come from the top, but issues with these standards are found/tweaked at the local level. Local can only change local. Local ammendments will drive state ammendments. Hopefully, incorporated
at some point at the national level. Hence, revisions of NEC.
The use of all and some in the OP's question, implies there are some GFCI's in the home. The code does not require all GFCI protected outlets to be GFCI's. One GFCI can protect multiple downstream outlets.
Test these GFCI outlets and see if other outlets are powered. Plug a light into a non-GFCI outlet and press Test on GFCI. If lamp goes out, then it is powered by GFCI. Press Reset to reset GFCI.
From GFCI Load Wiring - Electrical 101