I am creating a 24 hour blood pressure monitor that is designed to be sleek and comfortable, I have decided on The Honey Well Series NBP AN transducer (see more info here: Basic Board Mount Pressure Sensors, p13) I want to connect that to a board so that the data can be transmitted wirelessly, or by cable to a phone or computer, how would I go about doing that?
2 Answers
Since your sensor has an analog output. If your comfortable with prototype level work, get an Arduino that has analog inputs then connect a bluetooth module such as the HC-05. Then, you can transmit that data using some code that I wrote to send multiple sensors in columns. You can modify this code to your needs.
sending sensor data - serial over bluetooth
Your next task would be to write software, but you can view this data on a PC or phone using a terminal program like Teraterm.
One such way transfer data is to use a Internet of Things (IOT) platform. You will need at minimum a microcontroller and wifi module. Currently some semiconductor vendors produce a both the microcontroller in a system on a chip (SOC) form factor. Either way you can access pressure sensor data via the microcontoller use the wifi connection to transmit the data to the web. Take a look at following two option from Texas Instruments.
- Internet-of-Things Solution for MCU Applications CC3100 + TIVA TM4C123
- SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3200 LaunchPad (Both microcontroller and Wifi in one package)
There are also other vendor that offer similar solutions. I will listed few below under references.
There are other options, microcontroller + cellular, Microcontroller + BLE, BLE to smartphone + internet.
I suggest that you do a little research to narrow down the options. At which point you can post a question specific to your option so detail solution can be provided.
- Data Storage and Retrieval with ThingSpeak for Electric Imp Connectivity
- Adafruit.io Internet of Things Feather ESP8266 - WiFi Starter Kit
- EMW3165 - Cortex-M4 based WiFi SoC Module
- SparkFun IoT Wifi Starter Kit
- IoT Starter Kit from AT&T