I have a well with a 1.5 HP pump. The pump is rated for 240V input. At the moment, the only nearby available power is 4-wire 208Y 3phase. I am considering connecting two of the three phases to the well pump, so it receives 208V where it is expecting 240V.
To what extent, and by what mechanism, will it hurt the pump if it is powered by 208V instead of 240V? Are there warning signs I can observe (like something electrical I can measure, or something I can observe about the flow of water) that would indicate whether this lower voltage is causing problems?
More generally, when an AC motor says it's rated for a certain voltage, without specifying a range, how tight is that calibration? Like, what is the "probably not much worse" voltage range? My intuition says "ohh eee ah around 15%" but I'm realizing I have no actual basis for that sentiment.