I have a shaft inside a bushing, the shaft has a gear on one end that is supposed to provide resistance to other gears it is driven with.
I'm having a hard time finding the correct term for the sort of grease or fluid, or in more lay-man's terms a "goo", that will provide increased friction between the shaft and the bushing, rather than reducing friction, as it is with regular oil or grease.
Essentially a tar-like substance, that isn't as messy as actual tar. Perhaps also similar to tree-sap, except more manageable in terms of putting it into a mechanical device. Also tree-sap gets hard over time, I'd like to keep its mechanical properties, like viscosity, etc.
In case you're wondering, this is going to be part of a soft-open gearing, such that a small door doesn't fling open when the lock is released, instead it provides some resistance.