Suppose I have a system described in state-space form. Can I invert the system (swapping the roles of the input $u$ and output $y$)?
If we start with:
\begin{align} \dot{x} &= A\,x + B\,u \\ y &= C\,x + D\,u \end{align}
and $D$ is invertible, then we can use the second equation to solve for $u$ in terms of $x$ and $y$:
$$ u = D^{-1} (y - C\,x) $$
We can then substitute that back into the original state-space description to get the inverse system:
\begin{align} \dot{x} &= (A - B\,D^{-1}\,C)\,x + B\,D^{-1}\,y \\ u &= -D^{-1}\,C\,x + D^{-1}\,y \end{align}
However, in typical systems $D$ is zero. What is the significance of requiring $D$ to be invertible to inverse the system? Is there a work-around allowing us to invert systems where $D=0$?