I've been using 3d printers for prototyping for a long time, and I'll admit it's incredibly convenient to be able to throw together a CAD model, send it to the printer, and have it ready to assemble in a few hours. But that's just it, anything complicated with many moving parts often requires many prints and subsequent assembly which burns a huge amount of my prototyping time.
I was watching the first Iron Man movie the other day and noticed Jarvis say the line "commencing automated assembly," which got me thinking, for something as complex as, say, a motorcycle, what's the current state of the art as far as general purpose automated assembly?
Note that by "general purpose" I mean able to construct essentially arbitrary parts using a mixture of printed components of a given material (say sintered metal) and standard parts (servos, wires, gears, PCBs, etc.). Feel free to ignore the difficulty in entirely automated PCB reflow.