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StainlessSteelRat's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
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Why it is difficult to find Chicago Screws smaller than M4 size?
It's not a thread. It's a q&a site. You didn't even go for what engineering reason prevents the manufacturing chicargo screws under M4.
Dispersion of Carbon Monoxide
Isn't it marginally lighter than air, so it would diffuse around the room/trench. Oil tanks have an earth berm to contain oil during leaks, but berm collects carbon monoxide.
How is it possible to mount this PSU for 19' rack?
Wouldn't that question be best asked at the manufacturers?
Why Ball-Grid Arrays are More Heat Resistant
Doubtful BGA pin has more area than a QFP pin.
Wooden Sailing Ships - Why The Drag Pieces of Common Logs Were Shaped like Sections of a Circle?
Chip log. The log is supposed to act as a chute, standing vertically, weighted down by lead, staying stationary as ship sails away. After use sailor sharply pulls on it making it go flat too easily pull it in. Hence the triangular shape.
Can I use ceramic fiber blanket inside a microwave?
As demonstrated by the internet, you can do anything you want. Is it a good idea. No. It's a real bad idea to cut a hole in a microwave. And you are using it for something beyond it's capabilities. Doubtful you will get any conservative engineers to condone it, but I have been wrong in the past. We don't do anything without math to back us up.
Standards for the sign of the power factor; IEC and IEEE; is there an ANSI standard?
Since Power and Apparent Power are positive, pf is positive. Sign is handled by leading / lagging.
DC Motor - need to go to 200-10,000 RPM
Code. How does a driver stall? As in motor it is driving stalls? Does it work with no-load?
Why would water flow remain within the soil when seeping through a dam?
Cohesion and adhesion. Water likes to stick to itself and water likes to stick to other things.
Peculiar step-down transformer behavior
Voltages on primary and secondary side? Turns ratio? Current times voltage (assuming single-phase) would give you apparent power. Your hypotoneuse of the power triangle. What is the load? Power factor?
Modeling 1D Transient Heat Transfer: Wall/Room interface
You need to put that in your question. The site supports mathjax. Put your equations in. The more speciic you are the easier it will be for someone to help you.
Modeling 1D Transient Heat Transfer: Wall/Room interface
You should list the common heat equation, but will there be any heat flow if the spaces on either side of the wall are at the same temperature?
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