Could the stillsuits worn by the Fremen of Dune actually work? Stillsuit
Ever since I first read Dune, when I was much younger, I have wondered about the efficacy of these stillsuits. A person sweats, the sweat evaporates, cooling the person. The suit then condenses the sweat and recycles it after filtration to be available to drink.
The purpose of sweating is that the evaporated water vapor takes away excess body heat. The problem, as I see it, is that during condensation the water releases its heat back into the suit. The suit still has to get rid of that heat. These suits are black, or at least very dark, which makes them efficient radiators of heat, unfortunately this also makes them very efficient absorbers of heat, and as the climate of Dune is that of an extremely hot and sunny desert it seems that they would absorb much more heat than they can radiate. There does not appear to be any other mechanism to remove heat such as radiator fins on the back.
I can see that they would work very well at night to conserve water, as in desert climates the temperature drops dramatically sometimes below freezing, but the air is still extremely dry.
In my opinion people wearing stillsuits on Dune would soon be baked. Is there any possibility that such a suit could work?
Apologies to Dune fans.