I am currently designing a LED light indicator for use in an aircraft cockpit replica.
I’m asking for expert advice on the type of lenses to use in order to get a result similar to shown pictures.
When illuminated, the indicators display a really crisp text legend. When off, the legend is not visible at all, even when in direct light.
As you can see on the picture, the indicator appears flat/matte black when off :
It looks like there is some kind of black matte plastic filter with kind of a microscopicly rough surface (as if it was sandblasted really fine).
When illuminated, the text looks crisp, with zero light leak :
The indicator consists of a wide angle LED inside a closed chamber, with a label filter on top (probably photo etched with really high resolution for the text to be crisp). My question is more precisely on the surface filter : what filter to use to get a similar result ? i.e. not let any light in, any reflection, flat matte black appearance, but still lets the indicator shine when on ?
I’ve looked for optical filters that match those characteristics but no luck.
Tt looks like such optical feature is called Secret-until-lit or dead font or black panel effect.
Thanks for your help.