I have a noisy neighbor (unreasonable and hostile) generating low frequencies that are disturbing. I'm at the point where I realize I need to just build some kind of barrier, and also buy better windows and doors.
So I am thinking of building a short wall (maybe 7 ft tall) to absorb or redirect the low frequencies (40-80Hz). Building material will be double brick, high density. The impact on my house is worst in the section directly facing the brown wall, hence why the wall is short.
The horizontal brown line shown above is meant to be the wall.
Before I start, I am concerned that the barrier will maybe allow the sound to pass around (or above). I suppose some sound is to be expected, but I want to eliminate most of it.
I just want to find out if my approach makes sense, or whether I should also be looking at some kind of DIY "bass trap" shape of this wall to absorb even more.