A typical nonlinear FE problem can be given by:
\begin{equation} \mathbf{R} = \mathbf{K}\rho + \mathbf{F}_{NL}(\rho), \end{equation}
where R is the vector of applied forces, K is the material or linear stiffness matrix, $F_{NL}$ is the nonlinear force function and $\rho$ is the vector of displacements.
The tangent stiffness matrix is:
\begin{equation} K_T = K + \dfrac{\partial F_{NL}}{\partial \rho}(\rho) \end{equation}
If an incremental procedure is applied, $\dfrac{\partial F_{NL}}{\partial \rho}$ will need to be updated at load application step, since it is a function of the deformed configuration.
But why does the material stiffness matrix $K$ not need to be updated? $K$ is formed by rotating local stiffness matrices and assembling them into a global frame of reference. Surely when the geometry becomes deformed $K$ will need updating also, even if it is the linear stiffness matrix?