Normally the process would go line this. Let's say the primary is hot, and the secondary is the cooler fluid.
The heat transfer rate $\dot{Q} = -\dot{Q}_p = \dot{Q}_s $. I.e.:
The cooler fluid (s) gains
$$\dot{Q} = m_s\cdot C_{p,s}(T_{s,o}- T_{s,i}) $$
The hot fluid (p) loses:
$$\dot{Q} = - m_p\cdot C_{p,p}(T_{p,o}- T_{p,i}) $$
Therefore the change in temperature is :
$$ T_{p,o} = T_{p,i}- \frac{m_s\cdot C_{p,s}}{m_p\cdot C_{p,p}}(T_{s,o}- T_{s,i}) $$
Normally, if you get to that point then you need to calculate the length of the exchangerm and therefore the $A$ but since you know it I'll press on.
Here, I'm going to assume counterflow. At that point you need the logarithmic mean temperature difference $\Delta T_{lm}$. (please note that for different type of flows parallel, cross etc you need to change this).
$$\Delta T_{lm} = \frac{\Delta T_1-\Delta T_2}{\ln (\Delta T_1/\Delta T_2)}$$
- $\Delta T_1 = T_{p,i}-T_{s,o}$ : temperature difference at one exit
- $\Delta T_2 = T_{p,o}-T_{s,i}$ : temperature difference at other Exit
Then you can apply:
$$ kA\cdot\frac{\Delta T_1-\Delta T_2}{\ln (\Delta T_1/\Delta T_2)}= \dot{Q} = m_s\cdot C_{p,s}(T_{s,o}-T_{s,i}) $$
$$ kA\cdot\frac{T_{p,i}-T_{s,o}-T_{p,o}+T_{s,i}}{\ln \left(\frac{T_{p,i}-T_{s,o}}{T_{p,o}-T_{s,i}}\right)}= \dot{Q} $$
Iterative solution
Here you can, solve with respect to $T_{p,i}$
$$ T_{p,i}-T_{s,o}-T_{p,o}+T_{s,i}= \frac{\dot{Q}}{kA\cdot} \ln \left(\frac{T_{p,i}-T_{s,o}}{T_{p,o}-T_{s,i}}\right) $$
$$ T_{p,i}= \frac{\dot{Q}}{kA} \ln \left(\frac{T_{p,i}-T_{s,o}}{T_{p,o}-T_{s,i}}\right) +T_{s,o}+T_{p,o}-T_{s,i}$$
From that point the easiest think of Excel is to iterate in order to find the solution (set a guess for $T_{p,i}$ apply it on the right hand, get a new $T_{p,i}'$, which you plug into the equation until $T_{p,i}-T_{p,i}' \rightarrow 0 $ ).
close form solution
The other option if you need a close form solution (which is probably what you are asking), you can look at the Lambert W function. In that case, you start from:
$$ kA\cdot\frac{\Delta T_1-\Delta T_2}{\ln (\Delta T_1/\Delta T_2)}= \dot{Q}$$
After replacing $\Delta T_1, \Delta T_2 $,the solution for $T_{p,i}$ takes the following form:
$$ T_{p,i} = T_{s,o} - \frac{
Q }{A k} ProductLog[-\frac{A k(T_{p,o}-T_{s,i}) e^{-\frac{A k }{Q}(T_{p,o}-T_{s,i}) } }{Q}]$$
- $ProductLog[x]$ is the Lambert W function.
However Excel does not have this function builtin (at least to my knowledge). So you need to either do it another language/system (e.g. octave, or python) or find a macro for lambert w.