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Alberto Brambilla's user avatar
Alberto Brambilla's user avatar
Alberto Brambilla
  • Member for 4 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
4 votes

Better / Cheaper Material Choice?

4 votes

How is mechanism used in modern projector different from intermittent mechanism used in conventional one?

4 votes

Why doesn't stovetop glass crack from thermal shock?

3 votes

What temperature required to alloy copper and aluminum?

2 votes

Can a mouse use acceleration to track movement?

1 vote

Where do I get basic mechanical components?

1 vote

Is there any unilateral heat exchanger?

1 vote

Placing an accelerometer on arbitrary position and define this as the new coordinate system

1 vote

Dividing torque of one axle to three in varying proportions

1 vote

Does perfectly elastic and perfectly plastic material make any sense?

1 vote

Why can't trains stop in 2x the distance of trucks from the same speed?

0 votes

Does the torque on gear varies with different gear arrangements?

0 votes

Beam/column sizing

0 votes

Is thermal conductivity a property that affects the use of an alloy in high-temperature applications?

0 votes

Is there a name for a process of constructing gradient/smoothly distributed material density?

-1 votes

Why is the friction factor in laminar flow independent of pipe roughness?