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How to design a gear escapement like in an old pendulum clock?

The mechanism is called an "escapement", and part of its function is that the gear imparts energy to the swinging teeth in order to keep the pendulum (or whatever) moving in spite of any frictional ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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How do rotate a picture on a wall once every 24 hours?

Companies such as Crouzet make small synchronous motors with gearboxes. I would consider, Putting a small gear wheel onto the gearbox shaft. Getting someone with a laser cutter to create an acrylic ...
Transistor's user avatar
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How do rotate a picture on a wall once every 24 hours?

Someone asked for something similar before and one difficult requirement which they listed that you did not, but I am almost certain you have, is noise. That rules out small, heavily geared motors. ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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XL timing belt missing Dimension!

What you want is called the belt's neutral axis. The neutral axis is what coincides with the pulley's pitch circle. You have to look this up for each belt, because it depends on the way the belt is ...
Phil Sweet's user avatar
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Understanding a Variable Lift Valve Train Patent

The rotation of shaft 119 with the cam changes the load on the valve springs, but it also changes the location of the fulcrum of the lever assembly parts 101, 103 and 104. As the bulk of the cam ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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How to estimate the time cost of interrupting a task and picking it up again later

The amount of information you specified is too limited. If you had more information, maybe you could do it, but not as stated. Machining tasks can vary greatly. I can imagine some parts where it ...
Daniel K's user avatar
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How to estimate the time cost of interrupting a task and picking it up again later

No, because the number to be produced changes the percentage ie the setting up time can be longer than the machining time for 1 piece but 3% for 100 pieces and 0.003% for 1000 pieces...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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How to mount timing pulleys/belts for small DIY project

I tried both ways, idlers and slide, with and without additional spring. A) Idler with spring tends to oscillate when load torque is not constant (it is rarely constant). B) Sliding motor and spring ...
Alexander Olikevich's user avatar
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air resistor decreasing resistance over fixed time

Use a flap valve - allows air out and if you design the "catch" correctly then won't allow air to pass until a certain load or depression is achieved.
Solar Mike's user avatar
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