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Do the models of reversible cycles like the Carnot Cycle help engineers in any way to design real Heat engines?

They help in the design of a heat engine in that they help you learn what one is. The same way Physics 1 helps you design a rocket ship.
Tiger Guy's user avatar
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I want to transfer heat from a solar concentrator to be stored in a sand battery , which heat transfer fluid is more viable , cheap and easy to use?

There may be useful videos on YouTube.
Edward Hogan's user avatar
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Why isn't it possible to build a car moved by wind power?

Then we would have to make the battery powerful enough to keep power for maybe 3 days or more depending on the model bought.
Willy's user avatar
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Rate of heat loss of a block of dry sand over time

I did an FEA simulation of what you described and tried to characterise the heat loss due to radiation this is my result. The X-axis is hours whilst the y axis is temperature in Kelvin. I omitted ...
Sami Safarini's user avatar

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