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17 votes

Why isn't heatpump technology used for solar collector panels and boiler tanks?

Heat pumps work well to extract heat from one zone and discharge it into a zone at a higher temperature. The output of solar water-heating panels is generally much higher than the boiler tank ...
Transistor's user avatar
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11 votes

Can solar panels absorb heat for energy?

Yes, there are indeed combined PV-T (photovoltaic-thermal) hybrid panels that turn some of the incident light into electricity, and have a circulating fluid and heat exchanger to put some of the heat ...
410 gone's user avatar
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6 votes

How are solar panels at equator placed?

Basically, yes, but any shading caused by buildings / other obstructions may make one direction preferential. You can find sites that will do simulations online...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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5 votes

Why isn't heatpump technology used for solar collector panels and boiler tanks?

The transmission of heat by phase change (liquid to gas and gas to liquid) IS used in some solar collectors. These are the evacuated tube type and are the "Rolls Royce" equivalent when ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are there no propane refrigerator air-conditioning units that run on solar heat?

It is a lot more efficient to convert the solar to electricity and run a decent heat pump for AC and normal refrigeration. Absorption refrigeration is expensive, bulky, not terribly versatile, and has ...
Phil Sweet's user avatar
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Why are there no propane refrigerator air-conditioning units that run on solar heat?

This was my senior team project in engineering school, in 1974. Here were our findings: The power needed to run a small absorption refrigerator can be supplied by a solar collector of about 32 square ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
4 votes

How large would a solar panel array need to be in order to supply all the world's energy?

The U.S. National Renewable Energy Lab did a study of solar installations in the U.S. in 2013 and determined that for large-scale solar PV systems, 7.9 acres (31,970 $m^2$) of land are required on ...
LShaver's user avatar
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4 votes

Why isn't heatpump technology used for solar collector panels and boiler tanks?

You can't tie these two systems together because the demands on them are pretty much independent of one another. They each need to operate according to their own run schedule. The HVAC system runs ...
Phil Sweet's user avatar
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3 votes

How do you calculate heat transfer due to solar radiation for a multi-layer wall given the incident solar radiation and wall specs?

How complex this is depends on your needs. Once you know the solar flux, you need to calculate how much of that energy is absorbed by the wall (a function of the surface - how much is reflected? This ...
Jonathan R Swift's user avatar
3 votes

What happens if current provided to mono phase motor is less than rated power

Torque is proportional to current. If you can't supply the full current, then the torque will be lower than it would be otherwise. The highest current draw is at startup when the motor is not ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
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3 votes

Thermodynamics of an Arctic Greenhouse

There are way too many details to get into here. However, do the basic first order analysis. Determine whether there is enough solar power over a day to keep the greenhouse at some temperature. You ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do monocrystalline solar cells have rounded/cropped edges?

the monocrystalline cells are thinly sliced off cylindrically-grown single crystals that look like logs. Each wafer thus produced is hence a circular disc. To make the resulting solar cell function ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
2 votes

How to extract solar energy from a wall?

While black pipe in any configuration will collect heat from the sun, I recommend not reinventing the wheel. There are many companies around the world that manufacture low-cost black-vinyl solar ...
ericnutsch's user avatar
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How to extract solar energy from a wall?

You might want to take a look at commercial designs -- for example there are solar panels with fluid loops on the underside to extract waste heat exactly as you want to do. Now, on a technical note:...
Carl Witthoft's user avatar
2 votes

What tools to use for a solar powered backup?

It sounds like what you are after is increased energy security. You want a backup which would have a very low load factor - it wouldn't get much use each year. You want fast response, times of high ...
410 gone's user avatar
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2 votes

What material (preferably relatively inexpensive), can I use for absorber in a fresnel solar concentrator

Crucial to this is how you intend to exploit this energy as this will be very significant in how quickly and uniformly heat is extracted from the target. 3000F is outside the working range of most ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
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2 votes

CUF v/s PLF of power plants

Plant load factor and capacity (use) factor are two names for the same thing: the ratio of mean power to rated nameplate capacity. Capacity factors between very similar or identical technologies that ...
410 gone's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the solar window (solar altitude angle range) of Bangalore?

Earth axial tilt is 23.5°. For 11°N the solar altitude at noon of the equinoxes will be 90-11=79°; 90-11-23.5=55.5° at winter solstice and - it would be 90-11+23.5=102.5° at the summer solstice, but ...
SF.'s user avatar
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What's the name of this parameter?

It's the temperature coefficient of the panel. It varies by panel, but 0.005 (0.5%) is a fairly normal value for it. Its unit is 1/degree C. It's the rate at which cell efficiency drops off, as the ...
410 gone's user avatar
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2 votes

Explanation for photovoltaic circuit

Diode Like you assumed Panels: These are the PV panenls that produce current. They produce DC current I and DC voltage V Inverter: the inverter converts the DC current and Voltage from the panels to ...
NMech's user avatar
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2 votes

Which kind of thermal oil is used in solar thermal power plants and how are they produced?

Solar heating systems have been designed with many different fluids depending on the ambient temperatures and max desired temperature. The ambient temperature is because the night-time temperature or ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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2 votes

Best metal for solar energy collection in an evacuated tube solar water heater

Copper sheet with an absorbing and poor emitting coating is available which is easy to solder copper pipe to the untreated reverse side. Guess why many flat plate collectors are made like this… As for ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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2 votes

Can air currents be used to keep dust from settling on solar panels?

Our panels stay relatively dust free as they are at an angle of 70 degrees. This means the rain flows off nicely taking dust with it and the snow slides off as well also taking dust with it. Having ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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2 votes

Need a solar powered mechanical motor? that moves a leaver up and down low force and little distance on day/night

Most easy way is to buy inexpensive garden water timer. Simplest one contains ball valve with motor, two dials for setting watering period and time and is powered by two 1,5 V cells. If you wish non-...
Vladimir's user avatar
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2 votes

What mathematical operation should I do in order to translate from TWyr/y to TWyr_30 in this article?

To convert from TWyr/y to TWyr30, multiply by 30. This is confirmed in the text under "total world energy consumption": Depending on the reference, estimates for 2021 global annual TFEC [...
LShaver's user avatar
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1 vote

Are cameras' CCDs just elaborate tiny solar cells?

That is indeed the essence of it. CCD's either generate tiny charges upon being hit with light, or otherwise alter the accumulation of charges by the effects of light hitting them. They are made so ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

explaining ohmic loss and understanding inverter efficiency curve

I believe what this sentence is trying to convey is that all circuit components have a small resistance associated with them if you look at them in enough detail. For example a transformer circuit can ...
NMech's user avatar
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1 vote

Which kind of thermal oil is used in solar thermal power plants and how are they produced?

There are many ways to use the solar energy and depending on the scale they could use water in small home rooftop collectors to combination of sodium and molten salts in big solar towers. See this ...
kamran's user avatar
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1 vote

Joining the negative PV wires of 3 solar arrays for 3 MPPT controllers in an inverter?

Without seeing the inverter, if the maker provides 3 separate pv- then I would keep them separate. If they could be joined together, then the maker would have done so.
Solar Mike's user avatar
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1 vote

How do multiple enphase microinverters stay synced to the grid?

A baseline grid-tie inverter samples the line voltage and produces current that is in phase with it and proportional to the maximum power it can squeeze out of the source (typically photovoltaic). So ...
TimWescott's user avatar
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