4 votes

High Fan Speed Not Cooling As Expected (PWM, Arduino)

Most likely the fan is getting into the stall regime and the flow then drops or the exhaust port is causing a pressure drop that the fan cannot overcome after a given speed.
Solar Mike's user avatar
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2 votes

Dc motors: relationship between PWM frequency and Torque

Remember: current is proportional to torque. It would be linear like you expect if it was like: PWM pulse high: Instant full current, and thus full torque. PWM pulse low: Instant zero current and ...
Bart's user avatar
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1 vote

How to drive 12V servo motors using 5V PWM or 3.3V PWM using ARM MCU?

Take a look at ARDUINO MOTOR SHIELD REV3. Here is what it looks like. If you have several motors then might have to stack several motor shields.
Mahendra Gunawardena's user avatar
1 vote

PID control of a DC motor with PWM from Raspberry Pi - how to cross dead area?

Cascaded control may be a good solution, but there's something simpler that you could try first. Simply add a bit of logic after the PID loop to skip from -20 to 20%. ...
Drew's user avatar
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1 vote

Applying PWM to get analog button

I would go for a so called series elastic element (SEE). Just make a small guide and slider, attach a compression spring to one end of the guide and to the slider and measure the position of the ...
h_uat's user avatar
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1 vote

Applying PWM to get analog button

A standard on/off push button will not read analog. To accurately read analog force you need a load cell. This is what is used in a bathroom or letter scale for example. There are other (generally ...
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