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Using GPU Acceleration in ANSYS Mechanical

I found the answer in the end with a lucky guess: Simply enter "MSAVE, off" into the command line arguments in the advanced solver settings.
Petrichor's user avatar
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Display element coordinate system using Ansys Mechcanical APDL

Under the menu PlotCtrls > Symbols, you can find the following window where the option ESYS Element coordinate sys you are looking for is available. As previously answered, it's also available via ...
Öskå's user avatar
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LINKs + BEAMs You can model trusses in classic Mechanical APDL interface using LINK elements. C-F-D still needs to be modelled with BEAM elements. You will also need to fix DOFs so the model remains ...
Tomáš Létal's user avatar
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Ansys Mechanical Modal analysis, Parametric materials, mode shape output for each parameter?

After spending a great deal of time testing, and trying out different things, this is the code that ended up working: ...
user109527's user avatar
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Display element coordinate system using Ansys Mechcanical APDL

I think the answer for yor question can be the following command. /PSYMB,ESYS,1 You can find further information in the software, through Help>Mechanical APDL>Command Reference>XVII. P Tamás
Tamás Pölöskei's user avatar
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How do I import an .inp and an IGES together into Ansys workbench?

You could import the .inp file containing your mesh into Ansys Mechanical APDL, then import your .iges as well (through ...
Öskå's user avatar
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How to create RBE2 between the end edges of a cylinder and end nodes of a beam element in ANSYS APDL?

Assuming top_beam_n is a component with the upper end node of the beam, top_cyl_n is a component with the upper end nodes of the ...
Öskå's user avatar
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How to get element coordinate system information (location, angle) for each element using ANSYS Mechanical APDL

Just like any other *get function you can use in APDL, you can loop on each element (or on each element of a group) and fill an array: ...
Öskå's user avatar
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Change material properties of elements in named selection in Ansys workbench using APDL commands

Strategy: Identify maximum number of material properties Create material Assign material to selected elements Code: ...
JulianKarlBauer's user avatar
1 vote

Stress Analysis on a Bogie Frame Structure using ANSYS

Usually, this type of error doesn't mean there is something "wrong" with node 2144. The finite element solver only discovers the error when it gets to the last node and degree of freedom that it ...
alephzero's user avatar
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