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How to add a Gaussian noise signal with zero-mean in a given data set?

I have a real-time velocity measurement data set in a excel (.xlsx) file. I want to add the Gaussian noise signal with zero mean in this real-time data to create three set of pseudo measurements. ...
S.Prabhu's user avatar
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Must MSA (Measurement System Analysis) be re-performed after annual instrument calibration?

I'm working in an automotive company that must follow IATF (International Automotive Task Force) requirements. I administrate a test-bench that performs RF (radio frequency) tests using an ...
Andrea's user avatar
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What measurement accuracy/precision is required to detect a 10% relative change in the measured quantity

I'm trying to design a measurement system, the primary objective of which is to reliably detect a 10% change in the the volume of fluid flowing through a pipe. I'm struggling to come up with a ...
Jack 's user avatar
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How do you determine the accuracy of a measurement device?

Lets say you have a measurement device of which you do not know the accuracy, and a reference measurement device. Both measure a variable $x$. The range of interest is $x_0<x < x_1$. How do you ...
JHK's user avatar
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Question about "uncertainty"

I'm a bit confused about all the different "definitions" of uncertainty? One can calculate "uncertainty" of a single measurement by simply checking how accurate the tool that is being used to do the ...
Nova's user avatar
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How does measurement uncertainty combine with tolerances?

Given a tolerance within which your workpiece should be manufactured, say some length should be $10\pm1$mm. If you determine that your uncertainty in measuring this length is $0.2$mm (at 95%). How ...
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