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Is live video transmission possible for 3-5km range, in a sounding rocket

I am thinking of having a live video transmission from sounding rocket to ground station,low quality video works. I do have a high gain antenna. The expected range is around 4-5km. frequency should be ...
Palguna 's user avatar
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Which rocket engines used this exotic cycle?

A "Hypergolic, Full Flow, and Closed Catalyst" cycle rocket engine Left side: All hydrazine goes through the centrifugal fuel pump All hydrazine undergoes thermal decomposition Out of it ...
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Assuming sufficient electrical power, is an electrolysed oxyhydrogen rocket practical?

Assume we have access to light electrical power e.g. a (hypothetical) small fusion reactor. Is it practical to operate a water-fuelled rocket, in which water is converted to hydrogen and oxygen (or ...
Louise's user avatar
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In orbit rocket launch

If fuel is sent into space in bulk using space station as a "Fuel Depot", then how fast and efficient could in orbit launches of objects like probes, etc be? Rockets use huge amounts of fuel ...
LazyReader's user avatar
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Why are the rocket exhausts so different from rocket to rocket?

I have noticed that the exhaust flames for rockets can be either everywhere, like in this image or it can be hardly noticeable, like in this video. I am just curious, what makes this difference? Is ...
John Snow's user avatar
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How to design a pressure regulator test?

We're designing a pressure regulator test. It is taking an input from an N2 tank at 300 bars, output pressure should be around 70 bars. We are thinking of using 2 pressure transducers, a solenoid to ...
cookingoil2000's user avatar
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What is the optimal weight ratio for a multistage water rocket?

I do know about the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation for optimising multistage rockets, however the equation requires a fixed exhaust velocity which is something that water rockets don't have, so for this ...
notanengineer's user avatar
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F-1 rocket engine - gas generator data

I’m doing some research on Rocketdyne F-1 engine of Saturn V. In particular I am searching geometric data of the gas generator that feeds the turbo pump. Has someone found this kind of data? It seems ...
daniele__'s user avatar
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How to use a high current 2 Second current pulse to actuate a servo - First year Electrical Engineer

I am using a dual deployment system controller, an Eggtimer Quark REVC2 which at apogee outputs a high current 2 second pulse. I don't have time to buy a more advanced Eggtimer which outputs proper ...'s user avatar
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1 answer

What are the limits on plane speed?

I was thinking about an extremely narrow object and considering that I think in the ideal case it could only deal with the force of collision with air particles at the front of the projectile (...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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What is the best way to go about finding properties of stress like working stress and yield strength when the material is unknown?

Our group has been working to design a combustion chamber of a relatively small hybrid engine with a chamber pressure of 30 bars. We are currently faced with the problem that we cannot easily access ...
Baldwin Chen's user avatar
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Rocket Nose Cone Design ,Ogives,technical drawings are not understood

I'm trying to draw a rocket nose cone. Notice the red marked at the bottom left of technical drawing. I couldn't figure out what the diameters 26.870 AND 59.732 mean. I drew endless lines vertically ...
Electronx's user avatar
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Fin airfoil holder design and technical drawings not understood

I am trying to draw a fin for my final year project, but I could not fully understand the technical drawing explanations that I marked with red markings. especially R1.281 DEFINES TANGENCY OF R1.312 ...
Electronx's user avatar
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What are the advantages of an asymmetrical missile nose cone?

Some rocket- and missile designs sport an asymmetrically conical nose cone. A prime example being the Stunner missile in "David's Sling" surface-to-air system. Several sources (such as ...
Elmore's user avatar
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Is There A Schematic of Hoeltzer's Mischgerät V2/A4 Electronic Guidance Computer?

As a retro computing hobby project, I'm researching Helmut Hoeltzer's (Hölzer's) work on the Mischgerät analog guidance computer for the V2/A4 ballistic missile, with the goal of validating a ...
cmholm's user avatar
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Why are rocket engines tested horizontally?

Rocket engine test stands mount horizontally. That's surprising to me given that rocket engines are meant to operate vertically. Doesn't gravity effect any part of the system? Valves, gas mixing, etc.
Chris Noe's user avatar
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Multiple vs single rocket engine nozzles [closed]

I am an aeronautical engineering student and at university with a group of friends we are are working on building a rocket aimed at getting past the Karman Line (boundary to space). We will be ...
Shapol's user avatar
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Why do rockets not fly straight up after launching; wouldn’t that be less atmosphere to traverse?

If you look at any launch it appears as though rockets do not take the shortest path. Their trajectory bends. Why do rockets not fly straight up after launching; wouldn’t that be less atmosphere to ...
Cybernetic's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why does BlueShift Aerospace Launch from Maine?

Today there was a new story that BlueShift Aerospace launched the Stardust 1.0 from the Loring Commerce Centre in Maine into orbit. I thought that the launches typically went from as close to the ...
vy32's user avatar
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Rocket vs aeroplane? Difference in take off?

Although both aeroplane and rocket burn fule and eject smoke but Why aeroplane moves and runs horizontally before take off ?why does not it takes off at its original/initial place just like rocket?
DSP_CS's user avatar
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Inefficiency of intermittent burn in rockets

Imagine I have a combustion chamber with a nozzle. There is a high pressure oxygen bottle and a high pressure gaseous fuel bottle connected to the chamber. Would the fuel efficiency be lower if I ...
Francis L.'s user avatar
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Flow through an Annular Orifice for Pintle Injector

Our rocket team is trying to finalize the design of our injector for a small liquid rocket engine. The current analysis challenge is verifying the correct pressure drop across the annular orifice ...
WhisperingShiba's user avatar
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Isp Output of NASA CEA

I have 2 questions related to NASA CEA's Isp values in the output file. When looking through the output of NASA's CEA tool, I am trying to understand the difference between its "Ivac" output and its "...
Unique Worldline's user avatar
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How does a nuclear powered rocket engine work?

Nuclear power always require some way of converting the energy from nuclear to electrical or mechanical to be useful. For example, in a nuclear power generation facility, this is done through heat/...
user8908459's user avatar
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What are the design trade-offs in the different rocket engine cycles for liquid propulsion systems

Liquid propelled Rocket engines work on various cycles such as pressure-fed, pump-fed(gas generator,staged combustion, expander, etc) and these have various design trade-offs between complexity, ...
Rajath Pai's user avatar
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How to minimize temperature increase caused by compression of a cryogenic liquid in a multistage high pressure turbopump?

The cryogenic fuel I'm using is methane at 100 K and 300,000 Pa. Based on my calculations, after compression, the pressure is 55 MPa and using the ideal gas equation the temperature is approx. 800 K. ...
Matt01's user avatar
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Is there an easier way to calculate rocket engine Isp?

I am trying to calculate the $I_{sp}$ of a rocket with a thrust of 500 kN. I know that you can calculate $I_{sp}$ with $I_{sp} = \dfrac{v_e}{g_0}$. However, to calculate $v_e$, you need the $I_{...
WarpPrime's user avatar
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What's the minimum area ratio required to achieve choking in Converging nozzle?

Is there any equation for minimum area ratio (Throat area (At)/ Combustion Chamber area (Ac) ) required for choked flow in convergent nozzle (just like equations for minimum Pressure ratio and ...
SRD's user avatar
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How to design a transfer function for a Model Rocket?

I am building a roll stabilized model rocket. I am beginner at controls systems. How do I find out the transfer function of the rocket. Although, I am aware of definitions and stuff of control systems....
Nikhil Mishra's user avatar
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Why is Rocket Nozzle CFD done in 2D instead of 3D?

Why do I see rocket nozzle CFD like the one here in this SpaceX video done in 2D? Real Fluid flow is three dimensional and involves an x, y and z axis. Is fluid flow done in 2D only because computers ...
Random Programmer's user avatar
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Liquid Rocket Plumbing and Instrumentation Diagram: Standards and Presentation

I'm working on a team to build a liquid sounding rocket as a school project. We need to present our plumbing and instrumentation diagram, but we are butting heads on what program and standards we ...
WhisperingShiba's user avatar
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Method of Characteristics nozzle - outputs area ratio?

I am designing a rocket engine as my final project at college, and I tried using a MatLab code developed by youtuber JoshTheEngineer. However, after running the code, it seems that the output points ...
ssschah's user avatar
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Is it possible to protect electronics on a cubesat from 100-1000g of acceleration

I am currently researching the feasibility of setting up a coilgun that launches Cubesats for a paper.
Rehan Sheikh's user avatar
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the speed of the exhaust

This is from Stephen Hawking's latest book; Brief Answers to the Big Questions. The speed at which we can send a rocket is governed by two things, the speed of the exhaust and the fraction of its ...
Harry's user avatar
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What factors besides nozzle geometry and propellant's affect engine ISP? How can one optimize ISP?

In the design of a Rocket engines, it is understandably desirable to have a more efficient engine. Ensuring the gasses coming out of the engine comes out straight, and the chemistry of the ...
WhisperingShiba's user avatar
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What is the purpose of building multistage rockets, rather then packing more fuel into a single stage?

Reading an article about multistage rockets (not educated at all on the topic), and from the get go it seems to assume they are used/need to be used.
david62225's user avatar
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Combustion Chamber Back Pressure due to gas injection

I am trying to calculate prior to testing the expected back pressure resulting from injecting gaseous oxygen through an injector orifice (choked) into a rocket combustion chamber before ignition. I ...
Justin B.'s user avatar
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Increase thrust of ion thruster?

Ion thruster has very low thrust due to its low mass flow rate. However is it possible to increase the mass flow rate? Together with its high exhaust velocity, won't the ion thruster be able to reach ...
Curious's user avatar
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Rocket to slow freefall

I read that a human
SRawes's user avatar
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Small oxygen tanks

Does anyone know of any type of small, refillable oxygen tank. I'm trying to build a rocket and the smallest cylinder I could find is BernzOmatic's 1.4 oz. cylinder. A big cylinder isn't really safe ...
Dat Ha's user avatar
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Can a water-pump pump diesel?

After some research, I found that diesel is my choice of fuel. Now I need a way to pump it to the engine. My main constraint is price. So my question is can I use a water pump like one of these, to ...
Dat Ha's user avatar
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Propane rocket nozzle material

As far as I know, propane with oxygen will burn at 2800 °C and steel will melt at ~1500 °C. Brass is even less. What I am trying to do is a rocket nozzle. Is there a way I can built this with steel ...
Dat Ha's user avatar
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Are rocket engines practical for commercial aircraft?

What are the prospects of seeing rocket engines become the standard for commercial aircraft? It might be a dumb question; I really don't know all that much about the topic. The reason I ask is that ...
bobKnowsBest3199's user avatar