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How realistic is the "death by CRT monitor" scene from Final Destination?

First of all, I realize that not only is this a fictional scene in a movie, but a movie (series) particularly infamous for its ridiculous, over-the-top death scenes. Yet, I have heard of basically ...
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1 answer

Examining the structure of old buildings

Generally speaking, many cities were built across long periods of time. When a city is expanded, still in general, the old part becomes the center, and the new parts increase the size of the city from ...
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1 answer

Should I be worried about the "electron shower" I receive whenever I turn on my 1989 CRT TV?

If I stand in front of it when I press the "small power button" (the one which actually turns on the screen, as opposed to the big switch just giving the entire unit power), my big 1989 TV ...
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0 answers

Are these 33 year old cables inside a CRT TV dangerous/dying?

Today I finally opened up and dedusted my 33 year old TV, fearing both a fire hazard with decades of dust bunnies piled up in there (or so I imagined) and all sorts of possible non-lethal issues ...
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0 answers

MMPDS Coordinate System Adoption

How was the L, LT, ST coordinate system developed and adopted? I am talking with some colleagues about comparing metallic and non-metallic materials. Obviously, "apples-to-apples" ...