Questions tagged [creep]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Would 6061 or 5052 Aluminum have lower rate of creep?

I am making a device which uses a bent thin sheet of aluminum as a spring which provides a constant force. It must be made of aluminum. Over time the material will relax and the force of the spring ...
RBMenz's user avatar
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Ansys Norton creep power law constants?

I’m trying to learn creep analysis in Ansys, and am currently working on deriving creep constants, specifically C1, C2, and C3 for the Norton Power Law. I understand that the equation is usually shown ...
Hunter's user avatar
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A creep mathematical model of alloy steel for making springs

I'm searching for a mathematical approach to well describe the creep (or stress relaxation)of helical-coil compression spring.I've got the spring parts and can Experiment with these parts .I need ...
Zongren Tang's user avatar