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Devices powered and charged via electricity generated by human body

I came across articles like: and
user271828's user avatar
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Metal detectors for medical applications

My group and I are currently working on a biomedical engineering project for our class. Our design idea is a wearable metal detector that uses metallic tracers in the blood to determine the ...
Travis Gibson's user avatar
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Pump like solenoid but more powerful?

Is there any pump available which can suck the water just like solenoid pump ( which means i can just put the input pipe in water and it will suck the water and get it out unlike DC motor pump which ...
ZBT248's user avatar
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How would an electromagnet function within an MRI? [closed]

For the purpose of this situation. Lets say there are 4 small electromagnets within a MRI. All of them activate at the same time. The entire setup is comprised up of non ferrous metals. The metals ...
Macus Little's user avatar
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Logistic regression in LabVIEW

I am using a psychophysical model to calculate the probability (P) of detecting an electrical stimulus to the skin (amplitude = x) over time (t): \begin{equation} P(x;\alpha(t),\beta) = \dfrac{1}{1+e^...
Alexm's user avatar
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Transducers in cuff-style blood pressure monitors

I have been doing research into blood pressure monitors, and I was wondering when the cuff tightens, how do the transducers actually measure the systolic/diastolic pressure in the arteries.
Ben Harkin's user avatar
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Measurement of girth of abdomen (automatic) using body impedance measurement [duplicate]

The task I got is to measure the girth of the abdomen continuously for a 24 hour period using a suitable method. I have thought to measure the impedance between two points in the abdomen and use the ...
mic's user avatar
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Can the production rate of labs-on-a-chip ever reach the production rate of silicon chips?

Labs-on-a-chip and silicon chips both have the potential - and in some cases have already reached the potential - to drastically scale down tasks, in these cases performing chemical reactions and ...
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