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Questions tagged [aviation]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Wearing course for Helipad

I am tasked with the design of a helipad for a remote government facility. Annex 14 Part II (ICAO Convention on International Civil Aviation) does not clearly state what materials are acceptable. The ...
SlydeRule's user avatar
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Rotational lock design for a landing gear of an aircraft

I want to design a rotational lock mechanism for the landing gear of an aircraft. It's function is to make sure the landing gear stays folded when the aircraft is on air and the landing gear's ...
Kaan's user avatar
  • 11
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How could a human fire himself above a fence, then parachute downwards?

Illegal immigrants would seek ways to pass a border fence and digging under it or climbing on it isn't always possible so they might seek a way to hover over it. Using an expensive jetpack costing ...
johndoe's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why are rotary ramjets not replacing turbojets yet?

Rotary ramjet is an engine that uses ramjets attached to a shaft to allow them to operate at the supersonic speeds they require without the engine itself being in translational motion. The huge ...
Francis L.'s user avatar