I am looking to purchase some new Vernier calipers, but I am overwhelmed by the amount of specs which are being offered. I need help in understanding how to evaluate them.
I do not want a dial or digital set of calipers, but rather am interested in any additional qualities such as the accuracy that these may offer which Vernier calipers can not.
Accuracy is the most important quality that I am looking for. For the sake of the question, assume that I have budget around US $2,000. What aspects of the Vernier calipers should I be looking at in order to have a high degree of accuracy? What else should I be examining with the calipers as part of this purchase?
I have some specific sub-questions that I haven't been able to figure out.
A common amount is 0.02 mm, does this mean we can advance each measurement by a minimum of 0.02 mm? Therefore cannot get any closer a measurement from any 1 point on the scale?
I have read somewhere online that parallax-free aids the readability of calipers, thus allowing for less human error - If this is true, does this parallax-free attribute come at a cost? Do we lose some accuracy? (I think I read parallax-free Vernier calipers do not have a separate upper movable ruler like some of the others.)
I'm having a hard time identifying what's standard. What are common units offered?